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* Marlin 3D Printer Firmware
* Copyright (C) 2017 MarlinFirmware []
* Based on Sprinter and grbl.
* Copyright (C) 2011 Camiel Gubbels / Erik van der Zalm
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <>.
* The class Servo uses the PWM class to implement it's functions
* The PWM1 module is only used to generate interrups at specified times. It
* is NOT used to directly toggle pins. The ISR writes to the pin assigned to
* that interrupt
* All PWMs use the same repetition rate - 20mS because that's the normal servo rate
* The data structures are setup to minimize the computation done by the ISR which
* minimizes ISR execution time. Execution times are 1.7 to 1.9 microseconds.
* Two tables are used. active_table is used by the ISR. Changes to the table are
* are done by copying the active_table into the work_table, updating the work_table
* and then swapping the two tables. Swapping is done by manipulating pointers.
* Immediately after the swap the ISR uses the work_table until the start of the
* next 20mS cycle. During this transition the "work_table" is actually the table
* that was being used before the swap. The "active_table" contains the data that
* will start being used at the start of the next 20mS period. This keeps the pins
* well behaved during the transition.
* The ISR's priority is set to the maximum otherwise other ISRs can cause considerable
* jitter in the PWM high time.
#ifdef TARGET_LPC1768
#include <lpc17xx_pinsel.h>
//#include "../HAL.h"
//#include "../../../macros.h"
#include "serial.h"
typedef struct { // holds all data needed to control the 6 PWM channels
uint8_t sequence; // 0: available slot, 1 - 6: PWM channel assigned to that slot
uint8_t logical_pin;
uint16_t PWM_mask;
volatile uint32_t* set_register;
volatile uint32_t* clr_register;
uint32_t write_mask;
uint32_t microseconds;
uint32_t min;
uint32_t max;
bool PWM_flag; //
uint8_t servo_index; // 0 - MAX_SERVO -1 : servo index, 0xFF : PWM channel
bool active_flag;
} PWM_map;
#define MICRO_MAX 0xffffffff
#define PWM_MAP_INIT_ROW {0, 0xff, 0, 0, 0, 0, MICRO_MAX, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}
PWM_map PWM1_map_A[6] = PWM_MAP_INIT;
PWM_map PWM1_map_B[6] = PWM_MAP_INIT;
PWM_map *active_table = PWM1_map_A;
PWM_map *work_table = PWM1_map_B;
PWM_map *ISR_table;
#define NUM_PWMS 6
volatile uint8_t PWM1_ISR_index = 0;
#define IR_BIT(p) (p >= 0 && p <= 3 ? p : p + 4 )
#define COPY_ACTIVE_TABLE for (uint8_t i = 0; i < 6 ; i++) work_table[i] = active_table[i]
#define PIN_IS_INVERTED(p) 0 // place holder in case inverting PWM output is offered
* Prescale register and MR0 register values
* 100MHz PCLK 50MHz PCLK 25MHz PCLK 12.5MHz PCLK
* ----------------- ----------------- ----------------- -----------------
* desired prescale MR0 prescale MR0 prescale MR0 prescale MR0 resolution
* prescale register register register register register register register register in degrees
* freq value value value value value value value value
* 8 11.5 159,999 5.25 159,999 2.13 159,999 0.5625 159,999 0.023
* 4 24 79,999 11.5 79,999 5.25 79,999 2.125 79,999 0.045
* 2 49 39,999 24 39,999 11.5 39,999 5.25 39,999 0.090
* 1 99 19,999 49 19,999 24 19,999 11.5 19,999 0.180
* 0.5 199 9,999 99 9,999 49 9,999 24 9,999 0.360
* 0.25 399 4,999 199 4,999 99 4,999 49 4,999 0.720
* 0.125 799 2,499 399 2,499 199 2,499 99 2,499 1.440
* The desired prescale frequency comes from an input in the range of 544 - 2400 microseconds and the
* desire to just shift the input left or right as needed.
* A resolution of 0.2 degrees seems reasonable so a prescale frequency output of 1MHz is being used.
* It also means we don't need to scale the input.
* The PCLK is set to 25MHz because that's the slowest one that gives whole numbers for prescale and
* MR0 registers.
* Final settings:
* PCLKSEL0: 0x0
* PWM1PR: 0x018 (24)
* PWM1MR0: 0x04E1F (19,999)
#define LPC_PWM1_MR0 19999 // base repetition rate minus one count - 20mS
#define LPC_PWM1_PR 24 // prescaler value - prescaler divide by 24 + 1 - 1 MHz output
#define LPC_PWM1_PCLKSEL0 0x00 // select clock source for prescaler - defaults to 25MHz on power up
// 0: 25MHz, 1: 100MHz, 2: 50MHz, 3: 12.5MHZ to PWM1 prescaler
#define MR0_MARGIN 200 // if channel value too close to MR0 the system locks up
void LPC1768_PWM_init(void) {
#define SBIT_CNTEN 0 // PWM1 counter & pre-scaler enable/disable
#define SBIT_CNTRST 1 // reset counters to known state
#define SBIT_PWMEN 3 // 1 - PWM, 0 - timer
#define SBIT_PWMMR0R 1
#define PCPWM1 6
#define PCLK_PWM1 12
LPC_SC->PCONP |= (1 << PCPWM1); // enable PWM1 controller (enabled on power up)
LPC_SC->PCLKSEL0 &= ~(0x3 << PCLK_PWM1);
LPC_PWM1->MR0 = LPC_PWM1_MR0; // TC resets every 19,999 + 1 cycles - sets PWM cycle(Ton+Toff) to 20 mS
// MR0 must be set before TCR enables the PWM
LPC_PWM1->TCR = _BV(SBIT_CNTEN) | _BV(SBIT_CNTRST)| _BV(SBIT_PWMEN);; // enable counters, reset counters, set mode to PWM
LPC_PWM1->TCR &= ~(_BV(SBIT_CNTRST)); // take counters out of reset
LPC_PWM1->MCR = (_BV(SBIT_PWMMR0R) | _BV(0)); // Reset TC if it matches MR0, disable all interrupts except for MR0
LPC_PWM1->CTCR = 0; // disable counter mode (enable PWM mode)
LPC_PWM1->LER = 0x07F; // Set the latch Enable Bits to load the new Match Values for MR0 - MR6
// Set all PWMs to single edge
LPC_PWM1->PCR = 0; // single edge mode for all channels, PWM1 control of outputs off
NVIC_EnableIRQ(PWM1_IRQn); // Enable interrupt handler
// NVIC_SetPriority(PWM1_IRQn, NVIC_EncodePriority(0, 10, 0)); // normal priority for PWM module
NVIC_SetPriority(PWM1_IRQn, NVIC_EncodePriority(0, 0, 0)); // minimizes jitter due to higher priority ISRs
bool PWM_table_swap; // flag to tell the ISR that the tables have been swapped
bool LPC1768_PWM_attach_pin(uint8_t pin, uint32_t min = 1, uint32_t max = (LPC_PWM1_MR0 - MR0_MARGIN), uint8_t servo_index = 0xff) {
COPY_ACTIVE_TABLE; // copy active table into work table
uint8_t slot = 0;
for (uint8_t i = 0; i < NUM_PWMS ; i++) // see if already in table
if (work_table[i].logical_pin == pin) return 1;
for (uint8_t i = 1; (i < NUM_PWMS + 1) && !slot; i++) // find empty slot
if ( !(work_table[i - 1].set_register)) slot = i; // any item that can't be zero when active or just attached is OK
if (!slot) return 0;
slot--; // turn it into array index
work_table[slot].logical_pin = pin; // init slot
work_table[slot].PWM_mask = 0; // real value set by PWM_write
work_table[slot].set_register = PIN_IS_INVERTED(pin) ? &LPC_GPIO(pin_map[pin].port)->FIOCLR : &LPC_GPIO(pin_map[pin].port)->FIOSET;
work_table[slot].clr_register = PIN_IS_INVERTED(pin) ? &LPC_GPIO(pin_map[pin].port)->FIOSET : &LPC_GPIO(pin_map[pin].port)->FIOCLR;
work_table[slot].write_mask = LPC_PIN(pin_map[pin].pin);
work_table[slot].microseconds = MICRO_MAX;
work_table[slot].min = min;
work_table[slot].max = MIN(max, LPC_PWM1_MR0 - MR0_MARGIN);
work_table[slot].servo_index = servo_index;
work_table[slot].active_flag = false;
//swap tables
PWM_map *pointer_swap = active_table;
active_table = work_table;
work_table = pointer_swap;
PWM_table_swap = true; // tell the ISR that the tables have been swapped
NVIC_EnableIRQ(PWM1_IRQn); // re-enable PWM interrupts
return 1;
bool LPC1768_PWM_write(uint8_t pin, uint32_t value) {
COPY_ACTIVE_TABLE; // copy active table into work table
uint8_t slot = 0xFF;
for (uint8_t i = 0; i < NUM_PWMS; i++) // find slot
if (work_table[i].logical_pin == pin) slot = i;
if (slot == 0xFF) return false; // return error if pin not found
digitalWrite(pin, 0); // set pin to output & set it low
work_table[slot].microseconds = MAX(MIN(value, work_table[slot].max), work_table[slot].min);
work_table[slot].active_flag = true;
for (uint8_t i = NUM_PWMS; --i;) { // (bubble) sort table by microseconds
bool didSwap = false;
PWM_map temp;
for (uint16_t j = 0; j < i; ++j) {
if (work_table[j].microseconds > work_table[j + 1].microseconds) {
temp = work_table[j + 1];
work_table[j + 1] = work_table[j];
work_table[j] = temp;
didSwap = true;
if (!didSwap) break;
for (uint8_t i = 0; i < NUM_PWMS; i++) // set the index & PWM_mask
if (work_table[i].active_flag == true) {
work_table[i].sequence = i + 1;
work_table[i].PWM_mask = _BV(IR_BIT(i + 1));
else work_table[i].sequence = 0;
uint32_t interrupt_mask = 0; // set match registers to new values, build IRQ mask
if (work_table[0].active_flag == true) {
LPC_PWM1->MR1 = work_table[0].microseconds;
interrupt_mask |= _BV(3);
if (work_table[1].active_flag == true) {
LPC_PWM1->MR2 = work_table[1].microseconds;
interrupt_mask |= _BV(6);
if (work_table[2].active_flag == true) {
LPC_PWM1->MR3 = work_table[2].microseconds;
interrupt_mask |= _BV(9);
if (work_table[3].active_flag == true) {
LPC_PWM1->MR4 = work_table[3].microseconds;
interrupt_mask |= _BV(12);
if (work_table[4].active_flag == true) {
LPC_PWM1->MR5 = work_table[4].microseconds;
interrupt_mask |= _BV(15);
if (work_table[5].active_flag == true) {
LPC_PWM1->MR6 = work_table[5].microseconds;
interrupt_mask |= _BV(18);
interrupt_mask |= _BV(0); // add in MR0 interrupt
// swap tables
LPC_PWM1->LER = 0x07E; // Set the latch Enable Bits to load the new Match Values for MR1 - MR6
PWM_map *pointer_swap = active_table;
active_table = work_table;
work_table = pointer_swap;
PWM_table_swap = true; // tell the ISR that the tables have been swapped
LPC_PWM1->MCR = interrupt_mask; // enable new PWM individual channel interrupts
NVIC_EnableIRQ(PWM1_IRQn); // re-enable PWM interrupts
return 1;
bool LPC1768_PWM_detach_pin(uint8_t pin) {
COPY_ACTIVE_TABLE; // copy active table into work table
uint8_t slot = 0xFF;
for (uint8_t i = 0; i < NUM_PWMS; i++) // find slot
if (work_table[i].logical_pin == pin) slot = i;
if (slot == 0xFF) return false; // return error if pin not found
pinMode(pin, INPUT_PULLUP); // set pin to input with pullup
work_table[slot] = PWM_MAP_INIT_ROW;
for (uint8_t i = NUM_PWMS; --i;) { // (bubble) sort table by microseconds
bool didSwap = false;
PWM_map temp;
for (uint16_t j = 0; j < i; ++j) {
if (work_table[j].microseconds > work_table[j + 1].microseconds) {
temp = work_table[j + 1];
work_table[j + 1] = work_table[j];
work_table[j] = temp;
didSwap = true;
if (!didSwap) break;
for (uint8_t i = 0; i < NUM_PWMS; i++) // set the index & PWM_mask
if (work_table[i].active_flag == true) {
work_table[i].sequence = i + 1;
work_table[i].PWM_mask = _BV(IR_BIT(i + 1));
else work_table[i].sequence = 0;
uint32_t interrupt_mask = 0; // set match registers to new values, build IRQ mask
if (work_table[0].active_flag == true) {
LPC_PWM1->MR1 = work_table[0].microseconds;
interrupt_mask |= _BV(3);
if (work_table[1].active_flag == true) {
LPC_PWM1->MR2 = work_table[1].microseconds;
interrupt_mask |= _BV(6);
if (work_table[2].active_flag == true) {
LPC_PWM1->MR3 = work_table[2].microseconds;
interrupt_mask |= _BV(9);
if (work_table[3].active_flag == true) {
LPC_PWM1->MR4 = work_table[3].microseconds;
interrupt_mask |= _BV(12);
if (work_table[4].active_flag == true) {
LPC_PWM1->MR5 = work_table[4].microseconds;
interrupt_mask |= _BV(15);
if (work_table[5].active_flag == true) {
LPC_PWM1->MR6 = work_table[5].microseconds;
interrupt_mask |= _BV(18);
interrupt_mask |= _BV(0); // add in MR0 interrupt
// swap tables
LPC_PWM1->LER = 0x07E; // Set the latch Enable Bits to load the new Match Values for MR1 - MR6
PWM_map *pointer_swap = active_table;
active_table = work_table;
work_table = pointer_swap;
PWM_table_swap = true; // tell the ISR that the tables have been swapped
LPC_PWM1->MCR = interrupt_mask; // enable remaining PWM individual channel interrupts
NVIC_EnableIRQ(PWM1_IRQn); // re-enable PWM interrupts
return 1;
#define HAL_PWM_LPC1768_ISR extern "C" void PWM1_IRQHandler(void)
if (PWM_table_swap) ISR_table = work_table; // use old table if a swap was just done
else ISR_table = active_table;
if (LPC_PWM1->IR & 0x1) { // MR0 interrupt
PWM_table_swap = false; // MR0 means new values could have been
ISR_table = active_table; // loaded so set everything to normal operation
for (uint8_t i = 0; (i < NUM_PWMS) && ISR_table[i].active_flag ; i++)
*ISR_table[i].set_register = ISR_table[i].write_mask; // set all enabled channels active
LPC_PWM1->IR = 0x01; // clear the MR0 interrupt flag bit
PWM1_ISR_index = 0;
else {
if (ISR_table[PWM1_ISR_index].active_flag && (LPC_PWM1->IR & ISR_table[PWM1_ISR_index].PWM_mask)) {
LPC_PWM1->IR = ISR_table[PWM1_ISR_index].PWM_mask; // clear the interrupt flag bit
*ISR_table[PWM1_ISR_index].clr_register = ISR_table[PWM1_ISR_index].write_mask; // set channel to inactive
PWM1_ISR_index++; // should be the index for the next interrupt