diff --git a/Marlin/src/core/utility.cpp b/Marlin/src/core/utility.cpp
index 0bc029cec..f8415637e 100644
--- a/Marlin/src/core/utility.cpp
+++ b/Marlin/src/core/utility.cpp
@@ -48,280 +48,13 @@ void safe_delay(millis_t ms) {
- char conv[8] = { 0 };
- #define DIGIT(n) ('0' + (n))
- #define DIGIMOD(n, f) DIGIT((n)/(f) % 10)
- #define RJDIGIT(n, f) ((n) >= (f) ? DIGIMOD(n, f) : ' ')
- #define MINUSOR(n, alt) (n >= 0 ? (alt) : (n = -n, '-'))
- // Convert a full-range unsigned 8bit int to a percentage
- char* ui8tostr4pct(const uint8_t i) {
- const uint8_t n = ui8_to_percent(i);
- conv[3] = RJDIGIT(n, 100);
- conv[4] = RJDIGIT(n, 10);
- conv[5] = DIGIMOD(n, 1);
- conv[6] = '%';
- return &conv[3];
- }
- // Convert unsigned 8bit int to string 123 format
- char* ui8tostr3(const uint8_t i) {
- conv[4] = RJDIGIT(i, 100);
- conv[5] = RJDIGIT(i, 10);
- conv[6] = DIGIMOD(i, 1);
- return &conv[4];
- }
- // Convert signed 8bit int to rj string with 123 or -12 format
- char* i8tostr3(const int8_t x) {
- int xx = x;
- conv[4] = MINUSOR(xx, RJDIGIT(xx, 100));
- conv[5] = RJDIGIT(xx, 10);
- conv[6] = DIGIMOD(xx, 1);
- return &conv[4];
- }
- // Convert unsigned 16bit int to string 123 format
- char* ui16tostr3(const uint16_t xx) {
- conv[4] = RJDIGIT(xx, 100);
- conv[5] = RJDIGIT(xx, 10);
- conv[6] = DIGIMOD(xx, 1);
- return &conv[4];
- }
- // Convert unsigned 16bit int to string 1234 format
- char* ui16tostr4(const uint16_t xx) {
- conv[3] = RJDIGIT(xx, 1000);
- conv[4] = RJDIGIT(xx, 100);
- conv[5] = RJDIGIT(xx, 10);
- conv[6] = DIGIMOD(xx, 1);
- return &conv[3];
- }
- // Convert signed 16bit int to rj string with 123 or -12 format
- char* i16tostr3(const int16_t x) {
- int xx = x;
- conv[4] = MINUSOR(xx, RJDIGIT(xx, 100));
- conv[5] = RJDIGIT(xx, 10);
- conv[6] = DIGIMOD(xx, 1);
- return &conv[4];
- }
- // Convert unsigned 16bit int to lj string with 123 format
- char* i16tostr3left(const int16_t i) {
- char *str = &conv[6];
- *str = DIGIMOD(i, 1);
- if (i >= 10) {
- *(--str) = DIGIMOD(i, 10);
- if (i >= 100)
- *(--str) = DIGIMOD(i, 100);
- }
- return str;
- }
- // Convert signed 16bit int to rj string with 1234, _123, -123, _-12, or __-1 format
- char* i16tostr4sign(const int16_t i) {
- const bool neg = i < 0;
- const int ii = neg ? -i : i;
- if (i >= 1000) {
- conv[3] = DIGIMOD(ii, 1000);
- conv[4] = DIGIMOD(ii, 100);
- conv[5] = DIGIMOD(ii, 10);
- }
- else if (ii >= 100) {
- conv[3] = neg ? '-' : ' ';
- conv[4] = DIGIMOD(ii, 100);
- conv[5] = DIGIMOD(ii, 10);
- }
- else {
- conv[3] = ' ';
- conv[4] = ' ';
- if (ii >= 10) {
- conv[4] = neg ? '-' : ' ';
- conv[5] = DIGIMOD(ii, 10);
- }
- else {
- conv[5] = neg ? '-' : ' ';
- }
- }
- conv[6] = DIGIMOD(ii, 1);
- return &conv[3];
- }
- // Convert unsigned float to string with 1.23 format
- char* ftostr12ns(const float &f) {
- const long i = ((f < 0 ? -f : f) * 1000 + 5) / 10;
- conv[3] = DIGIMOD(i, 100);
- conv[4] = '.';
- conv[5] = DIGIMOD(i, 10);
- conv[6] = DIGIMOD(i, 1);
- return &conv[3];
- }
- // Convert signed float to fixed-length string with 12.34 / -2.34 format or 123.45 / -23.45 format
- char* ftostr42_52(const float &f) {
- if (f <= -10 || f >= 100) return ftostr52(f); // need more digits
- long i = (f * 1000 + (f < 0 ? -5: 5)) / 10;
- conv[2] = (f >= 0 && f < 10) ? ' ' : MINUSOR(i, DIGIMOD(i, 1000));
- conv[3] = DIGIMOD(i, 100);
- conv[4] = '.';
- conv[5] = DIGIMOD(i, 10);
- conv[6] = DIGIMOD(i, 1);
- return &conv[2];
- }
- // Convert signed float to fixed-length string with 023.45 / -23.45 format
- char* ftostr52(const float &f) {
- long i = (f * 1000 + (f < 0 ? -5: 5)) / 10;
- conv[1] = MINUSOR(i, DIGIMOD(i, 10000));
- conv[2] = DIGIMOD(i, 1000);
- conv[3] = DIGIMOD(i, 100);
- conv[4] = '.';
- conv[5] = DIGIMOD(i, 10);
- conv[6] = DIGIMOD(i, 1);
- return &conv[1];
- }
- // Convert float to rj string with 1234, _123, -123, _-12, 12.3, _1.2, or -1.2 format
- char* ftostr4sign(const float &f) {
- const int i = (f * 100 + (f < 0 ? -5: 5)) / 10;
- if (!WITHIN(i, -99, 999)) return i16tostr4sign((int)f);
- const bool neg = i < 0;
- const int ii = neg ? -i : i;
- conv[3] = neg ? '-' : (ii >= 100 ? DIGIMOD(ii, 100) : ' ');
- conv[4] = DIGIMOD(ii, 10);
- conv[5] = '.';
- conv[6] = DIGIMOD(ii, 1);
- return &conv[3];
- }
- // Convert float to fixed-length string with +123.4 / -123.4 format
- char* ftostr41sign(const float &f) {
- int i = (f * 100 + (f < 0 ? -5: 5)) / 10;
- conv[1] = MINUSOR(i, '+');
- conv[2] = DIGIMOD(i, 1000);
- conv[3] = DIGIMOD(i, 100);
- conv[4] = DIGIMOD(i, 10);
- conv[5] = '.';
- conv[6] = DIGIMOD(i, 1);
- return &conv[1];
- }
- // Convert signed float to string (6 digit) with -1.234 / _0.000 / +1.234 format
- char* ftostr43sign(const float &f, char plus/*=' '*/) {
- long i = (f * 10000 + (f < 0 ? -5: 5)) / 10;
- conv[1] = i ? MINUSOR(i, plus) : ' ';
- conv[2] = DIGIMOD(i, 1000);
- conv[3] = '.';
- conv[4] = DIGIMOD(i, 100);
- conv[5] = DIGIMOD(i, 10);
- conv[6] = DIGIMOD(i, 1);
- return &conv[1];
- }
- // Convert signed float to string (5 digit) with -1.2345 / _0.0000 / +1.2345 format
- char* ftostr54sign(const float &f, char plus/*=' '*/) {
- long i = (f * 100000 + (f < 0 ? -5: 5)) / 10;
- conv[0] = i ? MINUSOR(i, plus) : ' ';
- conv[1] = DIGIMOD(i, 10000);
- conv[2] = '.';
- conv[3] = DIGIMOD(i, 1000);
- conv[4] = DIGIMOD(i, 100);
- conv[5] = DIGIMOD(i, 10);
- conv[6] = DIGIMOD(i, 1);
- return &conv[0];
- }
- // Convert unsigned float to rj string with 12345 format
- char* ftostr5rj(const float &f) {
- const long i = ((f < 0 ? -f : f) * 10 + 5) / 10;
- conv[2] = RJDIGIT(i, 10000);
- conv[3] = RJDIGIT(i, 1000);
- conv[4] = RJDIGIT(i, 100);
- conv[5] = RJDIGIT(i, 10);
- conv[6] = DIGIMOD(i, 1);
- return &conv[2];
- }
- // Convert signed float to string with +1234.5 format
- char* ftostr51sign(const float &f) {
- long i = (f * 100 + (f < 0 ? -5: 5)) / 10;
- conv[0] = MINUSOR(i, '+');
- conv[1] = DIGIMOD(i, 10000);
- conv[2] = DIGIMOD(i, 1000);
- conv[3] = DIGIMOD(i, 100);
- conv[4] = DIGIMOD(i, 10);
- conv[5] = '.';
- conv[6] = DIGIMOD(i, 1);
- return conv;
- }
- // Convert signed float to string with +123.45 format
- char* ftostr52sign(const float &f) {
- long i = (f * 1000 + (f < 0 ? -5: 5)) / 10;
- conv[0] = MINUSOR(i, '+');
- conv[1] = DIGIMOD(i, 10000);
- conv[2] = DIGIMOD(i, 1000);
- conv[3] = DIGIMOD(i, 100);
- conv[4] = '.';
- conv[5] = DIGIMOD(i, 10);
- conv[6] = DIGIMOD(i, 1);
- return conv;
- }
- // Convert unsigned float to string with 1234.5 format omitting trailing zeros
- char* ftostr51rj(const float &f) {
- const long i = ((f < 0 ? -f : f) * 100 + 5) / 10;
- conv[0] = ' ';
- conv[1] = RJDIGIT(i, 10000);
- conv[2] = RJDIGIT(i, 1000);
- conv[3] = RJDIGIT(i, 100);
- conv[4] = DIGIMOD(i, 10);
- conv[5] = '.';
- conv[6] = DIGIMOD(i, 1);
- return conv;
- }
- // Convert signed float to space-padded string with -_23.4_ format
- char* ftostr52sp(const float &f) {
- long i = (f * 1000 + (f < 0 ? -5: 5)) / 10;
- uint8_t dig;
- conv[0] = MINUSOR(i, ' ');
- conv[1] = RJDIGIT(i, 10000);
- conv[2] = RJDIGIT(i, 1000);
- conv[3] = DIGIMOD(i, 100);
- if ((dig = i % 10)) { // second digit after decimal point?
- conv[4] = '.';
- conv[5] = DIGIMOD(i, 10);
- conv[6] = DIGIT(dig);
- }
- else {
- if ((dig = (i / 10) % 10)) { // first digit after decimal point?
- conv[4] = '.';
- conv[5] = DIGIT(dig);
- }
- else // nothing after decimal point
- conv[4] = conv[5] = ' ';
- conv[6] = ' ';
- }
- return conv;
- }
-#endif // ULTRA_LCD
#include "../module/probe.h"
#include "../module/motion.h"
#include "../module/stepper.h"
+ #include "../module/stepper.h"
+ #include "../libs/numtostr.h"
#include "../feature/bedlevel/bedlevel.h"
void log_machine_info() {
diff --git a/Marlin/src/core/utility.h b/Marlin/src/core/utility.h
index 8cfb43109..d27e742c9 100644
--- a/Marlin/src/core/utility.h
+++ b/Marlin/src/core/utility.h
@@ -53,78 +53,6 @@ inline void serial_delay(const millis_t ms) {
FORCE_INLINE bool is_bitmap_set(uint16_t bits[16], const uint8_t x, const uint8_t y) { return TEST(bits[y], x); }
- // Convert a full-range unsigned 8bit int to a percentage
- char* ui8tostr4pct(const uint8_t i);
- // Convert uint8_t to string with 123 format
- char* ui8tostr3(const uint8_t x);
- // Convert int8_t to string with 123 format
- char* i8tostr3(const int8_t x);
- // Convert uint16_t to string with 123 format
- char* ui16tostr3(const uint16_t x);
- // Convert uint16_t to string with 1234 format
- char* ui16tostr4(const uint16_t x);
- // Convert int16_t to string with 123 format
- char* i16tostr3(const int16_t x);
- // Convert unsigned int to lj string with 123 format
- char* i16tostr3left(const int16_t xx);
- // Convert signed int to rj string with _123, -123, _-12, or __-1 format
- char* i16tostr4sign(const int16_t x);
- // Convert unsigned float to string with 1.23 format
- char* ftostr12ns(const float &x);
- // Convert signed float to fixed-length string with 12.34 / -2.34 or 023.45 / -23.45 format
- char* ftostr42_52(const float &x);
- // Convert signed float to fixed-length string with 023.45 / -23.45 format
- char* ftostr52(const float &x);
- // Convert float to fixed-length string with +123.4 / -123.4 format
- char* ftostr41sign(const float &x);
- // Convert signed float to string (6 digit) with -1.234 / _0.000 / +1.234 format
- char* ftostr43sign(const float &x, char plus=' ');
- // Convert signed float to string (5 digit) with -1.2345 / _0.0000 / +1.2345 format
- char* ftostr54sign(const float &x, char plus=' ');
- // Convert unsigned float to rj string with 12345 format
- char* ftostr5rj(const float &x);
- // Convert signed float to string with +1234.5 format
- char* ftostr51sign(const float &x);
- // Convert signed float to space-padded string with -_23.4_ format
- char* ftostr52sp(const float &x);
- // Convert signed float to string with +123.45 format
- char* ftostr52sign(const float &x);
- // Convert unsigned float to string with 1234.5 format omitting trailing zeros
- char* ftostr51rj(const float &x);
- // Convert float to rj string with 123 or -12 format
- FORCE_INLINE char* ftostr3(const float &x) { return i16tostr3(int16_t(x + (x < 0 ? -0.5f : 0.5f))); }
- // Convert float to rj string with 1234, _123, 12.3, _1.2, -123, _-12, or -1.2 format
- char* ftostr4sign(const float &fx);
- #else
- // Convert float to rj string with 1234, _123, -123, __12, _-12, ___1, or __-1 format
- FORCE_INLINE char* ftostr4sign(const float &x) { return i16tostr4sign(int16_t(x + (x < 0 ? -0.5f : 0.5f))); }
- #endif
-#endif // ULTRA_LCD
void log_machine_info();
diff --git a/Marlin/src/lcd/HD44780/ultralcd_HD44780.cpp b/Marlin/src/lcd/HD44780/ultralcd_HD44780.cpp
index 4d205be30..03a3f9762 100644
--- a/Marlin/src/lcd/HD44780/ultralcd_HD44780.cpp
+++ b/Marlin/src/lcd/HD44780/ultralcd_HD44780.cpp
@@ -33,6 +33,7 @@
#include "ultralcd_HD44780.h"
#include "../ultralcd.h"
+#include "../../libs/numtostr.h"
#include "../../sd/cardreader.h"
#include "../../module/temperature.h"
diff --git a/Marlin/src/lcd/dogm/status_screen_DOGM.cpp b/Marlin/src/lcd/dogm/status_screen_DOGM.cpp
index d9a0ad7fc..15b551b48 100644
--- a/Marlin/src/lcd/dogm/status_screen_DOGM.cpp
+++ b/Marlin/src/lcd/dogm/status_screen_DOGM.cpp
@@ -33,6 +33,7 @@
#include "ultralcd_DOGM.h"
#include "../ultralcd.h"
#include "../lcdprint.h"
+#include "../../libs/numtostr.h"
#include "../../module/motion.h"
#include "../../module/temperature.h"
diff --git a/Marlin/src/lcd/dogm/ultralcd_DOGM.cpp b/Marlin/src/lcd/dogm/ultralcd_DOGM.cpp
index a337668db..a2fb3f471 100644
--- a/Marlin/src/lcd/dogm/ultralcd_DOGM.cpp
+++ b/Marlin/src/lcd/dogm/ultralcd_DOGM.cpp
@@ -48,6 +48,7 @@
#include "../lcdprint.h"
#include "../fontutils.h"
+#include "../../libs/numtostr.h"
#include "../ultralcd.h"
#include "../../sd/cardreader.h"
diff --git a/Marlin/src/lcd/extensible_ui/ui_api.cpp b/Marlin/src/lcd/extensible_ui/ui_api.cpp
index b34a4b823..cabed6f32 100644
--- a/Marlin/src/lcd/extensible_ui/ui_api.cpp
+++ b/Marlin/src/lcd/extensible_ui/ui_api.cpp
@@ -57,6 +57,7 @@
#include "../../core/utility.h"
+ #include "../../libs/numtostr.h"
diff --git a/Marlin/src/lcd/menu/menu.h b/Marlin/src/lcd/menu/menu.h
index a30009639..b70f2e3e3 100644
--- a/Marlin/src/lcd/menu/menu.h
+++ b/Marlin/src/lcd/menu/menu.h
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@
#pragma once
#include "../ultralcd.h"
+#include "../../libs/numtostr.h"
#include "../../inc/MarlinConfig.h"
#include "limits.h"
diff --git a/Marlin/src/libs/numtostr.cpp b/Marlin/src/libs/numtostr.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..09ebf64d2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Marlin/src/libs/numtostr.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,289 @@
+ * Marlin 3D Printer Firmware
+ * Copyright (C) 2019 MarlinFirmware [https://github.com/MarlinFirmware/Marlin]
+ *
+ * Based on Sprinter and grbl.
+ * Copyright (C) 2011 Camiel Gubbels / Erik van der Zalm
+ *
+ * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program. If not, see .
+ *
+ */
+#include "numtostr.h"
+#include "../core/utility.h"
+char conv[8] = { 0 };
+#define DIGIT(n) ('0' + (n))
+#define DIGIMOD(n, f) DIGIT((n)/(f) % 10)
+#define RJDIGIT(n, f) ((n) >= (f) ? DIGIMOD(n, f) : ' ')
+#define MINUSOR(n, alt) (n >= 0 ? (alt) : (n = -n, '-'))
+// Convert a full-range unsigned 8bit int to a percentage
+char* ui8tostr4pct(const uint8_t i) {
+ const uint8_t n = ui8_to_percent(i);
+ conv[3] = RJDIGIT(n, 100);
+ conv[4] = RJDIGIT(n, 10);
+ conv[5] = DIGIMOD(n, 1);
+ conv[6] = '%';
+ return &conv[3];
+// Convert unsigned 8bit int to string 123 format
+char* ui8tostr3(const uint8_t i) {
+ conv[4] = RJDIGIT(i, 100);
+ conv[5] = RJDIGIT(i, 10);
+ conv[6] = DIGIMOD(i, 1);
+ return &conv[4];
+// Convert signed 8bit int to rj string with 123 or -12 format
+char* i8tostr3(const int8_t x) {
+ int xx = x;
+ conv[4] = MINUSOR(xx, RJDIGIT(xx, 100));
+ conv[5] = RJDIGIT(xx, 10);
+ conv[6] = DIGIMOD(xx, 1);
+ return &conv[4];
+// Convert unsigned 16bit int to string 123 format
+char* ui16tostr3(const uint16_t xx) {
+ conv[4] = RJDIGIT(xx, 100);
+ conv[5] = RJDIGIT(xx, 10);
+ conv[6] = DIGIMOD(xx, 1);
+ return &conv[4];
+// Convert unsigned 16bit int to string 1234 format
+char* ui16tostr4(const uint16_t xx) {
+ conv[3] = RJDIGIT(xx, 1000);
+ conv[4] = RJDIGIT(xx, 100);
+ conv[5] = RJDIGIT(xx, 10);
+ conv[6] = DIGIMOD(xx, 1);
+ return &conv[3];
+// Convert signed 16bit int to rj string with 123 or -12 format
+char* i16tostr3(const int16_t x) {
+ int xx = x;
+ conv[4] = MINUSOR(xx, RJDIGIT(xx, 100));
+ conv[5] = RJDIGIT(xx, 10);
+ conv[6] = DIGIMOD(xx, 1);
+ return &conv[4];
+// Convert unsigned 16bit int to lj string with 123 format
+char* i16tostr3left(const int16_t i) {
+ char *str = &conv[6];
+ *str = DIGIMOD(i, 1);
+ if (i >= 10) {
+ *(--str) = DIGIMOD(i, 10);
+ if (i >= 100)
+ *(--str) = DIGIMOD(i, 100);
+ }
+ return str;
+// Convert signed 16bit int to rj string with 1234, _123, -123, _-12, or __-1 format
+char* i16tostr4sign(const int16_t i) {
+ const bool neg = i < 0;
+ const int ii = neg ? -i : i;
+ if (i >= 1000) {
+ conv[3] = DIGIMOD(ii, 1000);
+ conv[4] = DIGIMOD(ii, 100);
+ conv[5] = DIGIMOD(ii, 10);
+ }
+ else if (ii >= 100) {
+ conv[3] = neg ? '-' : ' ';
+ conv[4] = DIGIMOD(ii, 100);
+ conv[5] = DIGIMOD(ii, 10);
+ }
+ else {
+ conv[3] = ' ';
+ conv[4] = ' ';
+ if (ii >= 10) {
+ conv[4] = neg ? '-' : ' ';
+ conv[5] = DIGIMOD(ii, 10);
+ }
+ else {
+ conv[5] = neg ? '-' : ' ';
+ }
+ }
+ conv[6] = DIGIMOD(ii, 1);
+ return &conv[3];
+// Convert unsigned float to string with 1.23 format
+char* ftostr12ns(const float &f) {
+ const long i = ((f < 0 ? -f : f) * 1000 + 5) / 10;
+ conv[3] = DIGIMOD(i, 100);
+ conv[4] = '.';
+ conv[5] = DIGIMOD(i, 10);
+ conv[6] = DIGIMOD(i, 1);
+ return &conv[3];
+// Convert signed float to fixed-length string with 12.34 / -2.34 format or 123.45 / -23.45 format
+char* ftostr42_52(const float &f) {
+ if (f <= -10 || f >= 100) return ftostr52(f); // need more digits
+ long i = (f * 1000 + (f < 0 ? -5: 5)) / 10;
+ conv[2] = (f >= 0 && f < 10) ? ' ' : MINUSOR(i, DIGIMOD(i, 1000));
+ conv[3] = DIGIMOD(i, 100);
+ conv[4] = '.';
+ conv[5] = DIGIMOD(i, 10);
+ conv[6] = DIGIMOD(i, 1);
+ return &conv[2];
+// Convert signed float to fixed-length string with 023.45 / -23.45 format
+char* ftostr52(const float &f) {
+ long i = (f * 1000 + (f < 0 ? -5: 5)) / 10;
+ conv[1] = MINUSOR(i, DIGIMOD(i, 10000));
+ conv[2] = DIGIMOD(i, 1000);
+ conv[3] = DIGIMOD(i, 100);
+ conv[4] = '.';
+ conv[5] = DIGIMOD(i, 10);
+ conv[6] = DIGIMOD(i, 1);
+ return &conv[1];
+ // Convert float to rj string with 1234, _123, -123, _-12, 12.3, _1.2, or -1.2 format
+ char* ftostr4sign(const float &f) {
+ const int i = (f * 100 + (f < 0 ? -5: 5)) / 10;
+ if (!WITHIN(i, -99, 999)) return i16tostr4sign((int)f);
+ const bool neg = i < 0;
+ const int ii = neg ? -i : i;
+ conv[3] = neg ? '-' : (ii >= 100 ? DIGIMOD(ii, 100) : ' ');
+ conv[4] = DIGIMOD(ii, 10);
+ conv[5] = '.';
+ conv[6] = DIGIMOD(ii, 1);
+ return &conv[3];
+ }
+// Convert float to fixed-length string with +123.4 / -123.4 format
+char* ftostr41sign(const float &f) {
+ int i = (f * 100 + (f < 0 ? -5: 5)) / 10;
+ conv[1] = MINUSOR(i, '+');
+ conv[2] = DIGIMOD(i, 1000);
+ conv[3] = DIGIMOD(i, 100);
+ conv[4] = DIGIMOD(i, 10);
+ conv[5] = '.';
+ conv[6] = DIGIMOD(i, 1);
+ return &conv[1];
+// Convert signed float to string (6 digit) with -1.234 / _0.000 / +1.234 format
+char* ftostr43sign(const float &f, char plus/*=' '*/) {
+ long i = (f * 10000 + (f < 0 ? -5: 5)) / 10;
+ conv[1] = i ? MINUSOR(i, plus) : ' ';
+ conv[2] = DIGIMOD(i, 1000);
+ conv[3] = '.';
+ conv[4] = DIGIMOD(i, 100);
+ conv[5] = DIGIMOD(i, 10);
+ conv[6] = DIGIMOD(i, 1);
+ return &conv[1];
+// Convert signed float to string (5 digit) with -1.2345 / _0.0000 / +1.2345 format
+char* ftostr54sign(const float &f, char plus/*=' '*/) {
+ long i = (f * 100000 + (f < 0 ? -5: 5)) / 10;
+ conv[0] = i ? MINUSOR(i, plus) : ' ';
+ conv[1] = DIGIMOD(i, 10000);
+ conv[2] = '.';
+ conv[3] = DIGIMOD(i, 1000);
+ conv[4] = DIGIMOD(i, 100);
+ conv[5] = DIGIMOD(i, 10);
+ conv[6] = DIGIMOD(i, 1);
+ return &conv[0];
+// Convert unsigned float to rj string with 12345 format
+char* ftostr5rj(const float &f) {
+ const long i = ((f < 0 ? -f : f) * 10 + 5) / 10;
+ conv[2] = RJDIGIT(i, 10000);
+ conv[3] = RJDIGIT(i, 1000);
+ conv[4] = RJDIGIT(i, 100);
+ conv[5] = RJDIGIT(i, 10);
+ conv[6] = DIGIMOD(i, 1);
+ return &conv[2];
+// Convert signed float to string with +1234.5 format
+char* ftostr51sign(const float &f) {
+ long i = (f * 100 + (f < 0 ? -5: 5)) / 10;
+ conv[0] = MINUSOR(i, '+');
+ conv[1] = DIGIMOD(i, 10000);
+ conv[2] = DIGIMOD(i, 1000);
+ conv[3] = DIGIMOD(i, 100);
+ conv[4] = DIGIMOD(i, 10);
+ conv[5] = '.';
+ conv[6] = DIGIMOD(i, 1);
+ return conv;
+// Convert signed float to string with +123.45 format
+char* ftostr52sign(const float &f) {
+ long i = (f * 1000 + (f < 0 ? -5: 5)) / 10;
+ conv[0] = MINUSOR(i, '+');
+ conv[1] = DIGIMOD(i, 10000);
+ conv[2] = DIGIMOD(i, 1000);
+ conv[3] = DIGIMOD(i, 100);
+ conv[4] = '.';
+ conv[5] = DIGIMOD(i, 10);
+ conv[6] = DIGIMOD(i, 1);
+ return conv;
+// Convert unsigned float to string with 1234.5 format omitting trailing zeros
+char* ftostr51rj(const float &f) {
+ const long i = ((f < 0 ? -f : f) * 100 + 5) / 10;
+ conv[0] = ' ';
+ conv[1] = RJDIGIT(i, 10000);
+ conv[2] = RJDIGIT(i, 1000);
+ conv[3] = RJDIGIT(i, 100);
+ conv[4] = DIGIMOD(i, 10);
+ conv[5] = '.';
+ conv[6] = DIGIMOD(i, 1);
+ return conv;
+// Convert signed float to space-padded string with -_23.4_ format
+char* ftostr52sp(const float &f) {
+ long i = (f * 1000 + (f < 0 ? -5: 5)) / 10;
+ uint8_t dig;
+ conv[0] = MINUSOR(i, ' ');
+ conv[1] = RJDIGIT(i, 10000);
+ conv[2] = RJDIGIT(i, 1000);
+ conv[3] = DIGIMOD(i, 100);
+ if ((dig = i % 10)) { // second digit after decimal point?
+ conv[4] = '.';
+ conv[5] = DIGIMOD(i, 10);
+ conv[6] = DIGIT(dig);
+ }
+ else {
+ if ((dig = (i / 10) % 10)) { // first digit after decimal point?
+ conv[4] = '.';
+ conv[5] = DIGIT(dig);
+ }
+ else // nothing after decimal point
+ conv[4] = conv[5] = ' ';
+ conv[6] = ' ';
+ }
+ return conv;
diff --git a/Marlin/src/libs/numtostr.h b/Marlin/src/libs/numtostr.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..ebb79d7c2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Marlin/src/libs/numtostr.h
@@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
+ * Marlin 3D Printer Firmware
+ * Copyright (C) 2019 MarlinFirmware [https://github.com/MarlinFirmware/Marlin]
+ *
+ * Based on Sprinter and grbl.
+ * Copyright (C) 2011 Camiel Gubbels / Erik van der Zalm
+ *
+ * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program. If not, see .
+ *
+ */
+#pragma once
+#include "../inc/MarlinConfigPre.h"
+// Convert a full-range unsigned 8bit int to a percentage
+char* ui8tostr4pct(const uint8_t i);
+// Convert uint8_t to string with 123 format
+char* ui8tostr3(const uint8_t x);
+// Convert int8_t to string with 123 format
+char* i8tostr3(const int8_t x);
+// Convert uint16_t to string with 123 format
+char* ui16tostr3(const uint16_t x);
+// Convert uint16_t to string with 1234 format
+char* ui16tostr4(const uint16_t x);
+// Convert int16_t to string with 123 format
+char* i16tostr3(const int16_t x);
+// Convert unsigned int to lj string with 123 format
+char* i16tostr3left(const int16_t xx);
+// Convert signed int to rj string with _123, -123, _-12, or __-1 format
+char* i16tostr4sign(const int16_t x);
+// Convert unsigned float to string with 1.23 format
+char* ftostr12ns(const float &x);
+// Convert signed float to fixed-length string with 12.34 / -2.34 or 023.45 / -23.45 format
+char* ftostr42_52(const float &x);
+// Convert signed float to fixed-length string with 023.45 / -23.45 format
+char* ftostr52(const float &x);
+// Convert float to fixed-length string with +123.4 / -123.4 format
+char* ftostr41sign(const float &x);
+// Convert signed float to string (6 digit) with -1.234 / _0.000 / +1.234 format
+char* ftostr43sign(const float &x, char plus=' ');
+// Convert signed float to string (5 digit) with -1.2345 / _0.0000 / +1.2345 format
+char* ftostr54sign(const float &x, char plus=' ');
+// Convert unsigned float to rj string with 12345 format
+char* ftostr5rj(const float &x);
+// Convert signed float to string with +1234.5 format
+char* ftostr51sign(const float &x);
+// Convert signed float to space-padded string with -_23.4_ format
+char* ftostr52sp(const float &x);
+// Convert signed float to string with +123.45 format
+char* ftostr52sign(const float &x);
+// Convert unsigned float to string with 1234.5 format omitting trailing zeros
+char* ftostr51rj(const float &x);
+// Convert float to rj string with 123 or -12 format
+FORCE_INLINE char* ftostr3(const float &x) { return i16tostr3(int16_t(x + (x < 0 ? -0.5f : 0.5f))); }
+ // Convert float to rj string with 1234, _123, 12.3, _1.2, -123, _-12, or -1.2 format
+ char* ftostr4sign(const float &fx);
+ // Convert float to rj string with 1234, _123, -123, __12, _-12, ___1, or __-1 format
+ FORCE_INLINE char* ftostr4sign(const float &x) { return i16tostr4sign(int16_t(x + (x < 0 ? -0.5f : 0.5f))); }