/** * Marlin 3D Printer Firmware * * Copyright (C) 2016 MarlinFirmware [https://github.com/MarlinFirmware/Marlin] * Copyright (c) 2016 Bob Cousins bobcousins42@googlemail.com * Copyright (c) 2017 Victor Perez * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. * */ #pragma once // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Includes // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- #include <stdint.h> // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Defines // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- #define FORCE_INLINE __attribute__((always_inline)) inline #define hal_timer_t uint32_t // TODO: One is 16-bit, one 32-bit - does this need to be checked? #define HAL_TIMER_TYPE_MAX 0xFFFF #ifdef STM32F0xx #define HAL_TIMER_RATE (HAL_RCC_GetSysClockFreq()) // frequency of timer peripherals #define TEMP_TIMER_PRESCALE 666 // prescaler for setting temperature timer, 72Khz #define STEPPER_TIMER_PRESCALE 24 // prescaler for setting stepper timer, 2Mhz #define STEP_TIMER 16 #define TEMP_TIMER 17 #elif defined STM32F1xx #define HAL_TIMER_RATE (HAL_RCC_GetPCLK2Freq()) // frequency of timer peripherals #define TEMP_TIMER_PRESCALE 1000 // prescaler for setting temperature timer, 72Khz #define STEPPER_TIMER_PRESCALE 36 // prescaler for setting stepper timer, 2Mhz. #define STEP_TIMER 4 #define TEMP_TIMER 2 #elif defined STM32F4xx #define HAL_TIMER_RATE (HAL_RCC_GetPCLK2Freq()) // frequency of timer peripherals #define TEMP_TIMER_PRESCALE 2333 // prescaler for setting temperature timer, 72Khz #define STEPPER_TIMER_PRESCALE 84 // prescaler for setting stepper timer, 2Mhz #define STEP_TIMER 4 #define TEMP_TIMER 5 #elif defined STM32F7xx #define HAL_TIMER_RATE (HAL_RCC_GetSysClockFreq()/2) // frequency of timer peripherals #define TEMP_TIMER_PRESCALE 1500 // prescaler for setting temperature timer, 72Khz #define STEPPER_TIMER_PRESCALE 54 // prescaler for setting stepper timer, 2Mhz. #define STEP_TIMER 5 #define TEMP_TIMER 7 #if MB(REMRAM_V1) #define STEP_TIMER 2 #endif #endif #define STEP_TIMER_NUM 0 // index of timer to use for stepper #define TEMP_TIMER_NUM 1 // index of timer to use for temperature #define PULSE_TIMER_NUM STEP_TIMER_NUM #define STEPPER_TIMER_RATE (HAL_TIMER_RATE / STEPPER_TIMER_PRESCALE) // frequency of stepper timer #define STEPPER_TIMER_TICKS_PER_US ((STEPPER_TIMER_RATE) / 1000000) // stepper timer ticks per µs #define TEMP_TIMER_FREQUENCY 1000 // temperature interrupt frequency #define PULSE_TIMER_RATE STEPPER_TIMER_RATE // frequency of pulse timer #define PULSE_TIMER_PRESCALE STEPPER_TIMER_PRESCALE #define PULSE_TIMER_TICKS_PER_US STEPPER_TIMER_TICKS_PER_US #define __TIMER_DEV(X) TIM##X #define _TIMER_DEV(X) __TIMER_DEV(X) #define STEP_TIMER_DEV _TIMER_DEV(STEP_TIMER) #define TEMP_TIMER_DEV _TIMER_DEV(TEMP_TIMER) #define __TIMER_CALLBACK(X) TIM##X##_IRQHandler #define _TIMER_CALLBACK(X) __TIMER_CALLBACK(X) #define STEP_TIMER_CALLBACK _TIMER_CALLBACK(STEP_TIMER) #define TEMP_TIMER_CALLBACK _TIMER_CALLBACK(TEMP_TIMER) #define __TIMER_IRQ_NAME(X) TIM##X##_IRQn #define _TIMER_IRQ_NAME(X) __TIMER_IRQ_NAME(X) #define STEP_TIMER_IRQ_NAME _TIMER_IRQ_NAME(STEP_TIMER) #define TEMP_TIMER_IRQ_NAME _TIMER_IRQ_NAME(TEMP_TIMER) #define ENABLE_STEPPER_DRIVER_INTERRUPT() HAL_timer_enable_interrupt(STEP_TIMER_NUM) #define DISABLE_STEPPER_DRIVER_INTERRUPT() HAL_timer_disable_interrupt(STEP_TIMER_NUM) #define STEPPER_ISR_ENABLED() HAL_timer_interrupt_enabled(STEP_TIMER_NUM) #define ENABLE_TEMPERATURE_INTERRUPT() HAL_timer_enable_interrupt(TEMP_TIMER_NUM) #define DISABLE_TEMPERATURE_INTERRUPT() HAL_timer_disable_interrupt(TEMP_TIMER_NUM) #define STEPPER_ISR_ENABLED() HAL_timer_interrupt_enabled(STEP_TIMER_NUM) #define TEMP_ISR_ENABLED() HAL_timer_interrupt_enabled(TEMP_TIMER_NUM) extern void Step_Handler(stimer_t *htim); extern void Temp_Handler(stimer_t *htim); #define HAL_STEP_TIMER_ISR void Step_Handler(stimer_t *htim) #define HAL_TEMP_TIMER_ISR void Temp_Handler(stimer_t *htim) // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Types // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- typedef stimer_t stm32f4_timer_t; // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Public Variables // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- extern stm32f4_timer_t TimerHandle[]; // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Public functions // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- void HAL_timer_start(const uint8_t timer_num, const uint32_t frequency); void HAL_timer_enable_interrupt(const uint8_t timer_num); void HAL_timer_disable_interrupt(const uint8_t timer_num); bool HAL_timer_interrupt_enabled(const uint8_t timer_num); FORCE_INLINE static uint32_t HAL_timer_get_count(const uint8_t timer_num) { return __HAL_TIM_GET_COUNTER(&TimerHandle[timer_num].handle); } FORCE_INLINE static void HAL_timer_set_compare(const uint8_t timer_num, const uint32_t compare) { __HAL_TIM_SET_AUTORELOAD(&TimerHandle[timer_num].handle, compare); if (HAL_timer_get_count(timer_num) >= compare) TimerHandle[timer_num].handle.Instance->EGR |= TIM_EGR_UG; // Generate an immediate update interrupt } FORCE_INLINE static hal_timer_t HAL_timer_get_compare(const uint8_t timer_num) { return __HAL_TIM_GET_AUTORELOAD(&TimerHandle[timer_num].handle); } FORCE_INLINE static void HAL_timer_restrain(const uint8_t timer_num, const uint16_t interval_ticks) { const hal_timer_t mincmp = HAL_timer_get_count(timer_num) + interval_ticks; if (HAL_timer_get_compare(timer_num) < mincmp) HAL_timer_set_compare(timer_num, mincmp); } #define HAL_timer_isr_prologue(TIMER_NUM) #define HAL_timer_isr_epilogue(TIMER_NUM)