If you are not familiar with AutoHotKey, this tutorial will get you started: https://autohotkey.com/docs/Tutorial.htm
Once you have AutoHotKey installed, double click it to start the script.
If the Mclighting server goes down for some reason, a socket error notification will appear and you will have to restart the script to reconnect.
The script is not aware of the current state of the McLighting server and will override what is currently being displayed with its own internal values.
This was developed on Windows 7. The notification balloons look best and update in real time on Windows 7. On Windows 10, I reccommend changing the notification settings for AutoHotKey to not play a sound when they arrive. You must open the notification center on windows 10 to see the notifications in real time.
The shortcuts only work on the numberpad and only when num lock is on! If you don't have a numberpad you must change the shortcuts to something else. Just be aware that you might be overrriding previously existing shortcuts! Here is the list of windows shortcuts: https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/help/12445/windows-keyboard-shortcuts