Added pebble client.

This commit is contained in:
Tobias Blum 2016-06-04 23:26:30 +02:00
parent c1c82222b5
commit 91a3c69414
14 changed files with 1491 additions and 0 deletions

Binary file not shown.

View file

@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
"projects": {
"default": "mclighting-pebble-config"

View file

@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
".read": true,
".write": true

View file

@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
"database": {
"rules": "database.rules.json"
"hosting": {
"public": "public"

View file

@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
<!doctype html>
<title>Page Not Found</title>
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<h1>Page Not Found</h1>
<p>This specified file was not found on this website. Please check the URL for mistakes and try again.</p>
<h2>Why am I seeing this?</h2>
<p>This page was generated by the Firebase Command-Line Interface. To modify it, edit the <code>404.html</code> file in your project's configured public directory.</p>
<a class="logo" href="//">
<img src="" />

View file

@ -0,0 +1,475 @@
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border-radius: 2px; }

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

View file

@ -0,0 +1,130 @@
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>McLighting Pebble Configuration</title>
<link rel='stylesheet' type='text/css' href='css/slate.min.css'>
<script src='js/slate.min.js'></script>
.title {
padding: 15px 10px;
text-transform: uppercase;
font-family: 'PT Sans', sans-serif;
font-size: 1.2em;
font-weight: 500;
color: #888888;
text-align: center;
<h1 class='title'>McLighting Pebble Configuration</h1>
<div class='item-container'>
<div class='item-container-content'>
<div class='item'>
Use this configuration page to set the URL of your McLighting smart light.
<div class="item-container">
<div class="item-container-header">McLighting URL</div>
<div class="item-container-content">
<label class="item">
<div class="item-input-wrapper">
<input type="text" class="item-input" name="esp_url" id="esp_url" placeholder="ws://esp8266_01.local:81" autocomplete="off" autocorrect="off" autocapitalize="off" spellcheck="false">
<!-- div class='item-container'>
<div class='item-container-header'>Customizability</div>
<div class='item-container-content'>
<label class='item'>
Background Color
<input id='background_color_picker' type='text' class='item-color item-color-sunny' value='#000000'>
<div class='item-container-footer'>
Choose the app's background color. Used if High Contrast Mode is not selected. Note: Only available on Basalt watches that support many colors.
<div class='item-container'>
<div class='item-container-header'>Accessibility</div>
<div class='item-container-content'>
<label class='item'>
High Contrast Mode
<input id='high_contrast_checkbox' type='checkbox' class='item-toggle'>
<div class='item-container-footer'>
This switches the app colors to a higher contrast set that promotes readability in low light.
</div -->
<div class='item-container'>
<div class='button-container'>
<input id='submit_button' type='button' class='item-button' value='SAVE'>
function getConfigData() {
//var backgroundColorPicker = document.getElementById('background_color_picker');
//var highContrastCheckbox = document.getElementById('high_contrast_checkbox');
var urlTextfield = document.getElementById('esp_url');
var options = {
// 'background_color': backgroundColorPicker.value,
// 'high_contrast': highContrastCheckbox.checked
'esp_url': urlTextfield.value
// Save for next launch
//localStorage['background_color'] = options['background_color'];
//localStorage['high_contrast'] = options['high_contrast'];
localStorage['esp_url'] = options['esp_url'];
console.log('Got options: ' + JSON.stringify(options));
return options;
function getQueryParam(variable, defaultValue) {
var query =;
var vars = query.split('&');
for (var i = 0; i < vars.length; i++) {
var pair = vars[i].split('=');
if (pair[0] === variable) {
return decodeURIComponent(pair[1]);
return defaultValue || false;
var submitButton = document.getElementById('submit_button');
submitButton.addEventListener('click', function() {
// Set the return URL depending on the runtime environment
var return_to = getQueryParam('return_to', 'pebblejs://close#');
document.location = return_to + encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify(getConfigData()));
(function() {
//var backgroundColorPicker = document.getElementById('background_color_picker');
//var highContrastCheckbox = document.getElementById('high_contrast_checkbox');
var urlTextfield = document.getElementById('esp_url');
// Load any previously saved configuration, if available
if(localStorage['esp_url']) {
//highContrastCheckbox.checked = JSON.parse(localStorage['high_contrast']);
//backgroundColorPicker.value = localStorage['background_color'];
urlTextfield.value = localStorage['esp_url'];

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

View file

@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
"appKeys": {},
"capabilities": [
"companyName": "",
"longName": "McLighting",
"projectType": "pebblejs",
"resources": {
"media": [
"file": "images/menu_icon.png",
"menuIcon": true,
"name": "IMAGE_MENU_ICON",
"type": "bitmap"
"file": "images/logo_splash.png",
"type": "bitmap"
"file": "images/tile_splash.png",
"type": "bitmap"
"file": "fonts/UbuntuMono-Regular.ttf",
"name": "MONO_FONT_14",
"type": "font"
"sdkVersion": "3",
"shortName": "McLighting",
"targetPlatforms": [
"uuid": "11c1a793-0ddf-4045-8a40-4b4d059763ea",
"versionCode": 1,
"versionLabel": "1.0",
"watchapp": {
"hiddenApp": false,
"watchface": false

View file

@ -0,0 +1,393 @@
* Welcome to Pebble.js!
* This is where you write your app.
var UI = require('ui');
var Settings = require('settings');
//var ajax = require('ajax');
var wsUri = "ws://esp8266_01.local:81/";
var websocket;
var main = new UI.Card({
title: 'Mc Lighting',
icon: 'images/menu_icon.png',
//subtitle: 'Hello World!',
body: 'Loading ...'
var colors = [
["White", "ffffff"],
["Red", "ff0000"],
["Blue", "0000ff"],
["Green", "00ff00"],
["Yellow", "ffff00"],
["White", "ffffff"],
["Pink", "ff1493"],
["Maroon", "800000"],
["Forest", "228b22"],
["Orange", "ff4500"],
["Cyan", "00ffff"]
var modes = ["Hold", "Off", "All", "Wipe", "Rainbow", "Rainbow Cycle", "Theater Chase", "Theater Chase Rainbow", "TV"];
// **********************************
// Init app
// **********************************
function init() {
//var options = Settings.option();
//console.log("Settings: ", JSON.stringify(options));
var esp_url = Settings.option('esp_url');
if (esp_url === "") {
esp_url = wsUri;
} else {
// Connect Websocket
websocket = new WebSocket(esp_url);
websocket.onopen = function(evt) {
main.body('WebSocket connected!');
console.log("init() CONN");
websocket.onclose = function(evt) {
console.log("init() CLOSE", JSON.stringify(evt));
errorMessage("WebSocket connection closed");
websocket.onmessage = function(evt) {
//console.log("WS received: ");
websocket.onerror = function(evt) {
console.log("init() ERROR", JSON.stringify(evt));
errorMessage("WebSocket error");
function updateStatus(msg) {
console.log("updateStatus: ", msg);
if (msg != "OK" && msg != "Connected") {
try {
var json = JSON.parse(msg);
var str_status = '';
if (json.mode !== undefined) {
console.log("JSON mode: ", json.mode);
str_status += 'Mode: ' + modes[json.mode] + "\n";
str_status += 'Brightness: ' + Math.round(json.brightness / 2.55) + "%\n";
str_status += 'Delay: ' + json.delay_ms + " ms\n";
str_status += 'Color: #' + decimalToHex(json.color[0], 2) + decimalToHex(json.color[1], 2) + decimalToHex(json.color[2], 2) + "\n";
catch(evt) {
console.log("JSON parse error: ", JSON.stringify(evt));
function decimalToHex(decimal, chars) {
return (decimal + Math.pow(16, chars)).toString(16).slice(-chars).toUpperCase();
function errorMessage(message) {
var error_card = new UI.Card({
title: 'Error occurred',
icon: 'images/menu_icon.png',
subtitle: 'Press any button.',
body: message,
// **********************************
// Main Menu
// **********************************
main.on('click', 'select', function(e) {
var menu = new UI.Menu({
sections: [{
items: [
title: 'Mode',
//icon: 'images/menu_icon.png',
subtitle: 'Choose working mode'
}, {
title: 'Brightness',
subtitle: 'Let it shine'
}, {
title: 'Color',
subtitle: 'Bring color to the world'
}, {
title: 'Delay',
subtitle: 'Forever faster'
// **********************************
// Main Menu Selected
// **********************************
menu.on('select', function(e) {
console.log('Selected item #' + e.itemIndex + ' of section #' + e.sectionIndex);
console.log('The item is titled "' + e.item.title + '"');
// Mode selection
var mode_menu;
if (e.itemIndex === 0) {
mode_menu = new UI.Menu({
sections: [{
items: [
title: 'Off',
subtitle: 'Turn it off'
}, {
title: 'All',
subtitle: 'All LEDs on'
}, {
title: 'Wipe',
subtitle: 'Wipe it bright'
}, {
title: 'Rainbow',
subtitle: 'Bring color to the world'
}, {
title: 'Rainbow Cycle',
subtitle: 'Like a unicorn'
title: 'Theater Chase',
subtitle: 'Disco'
title: 'Theater Chase Rainbow',
subtitle: 'Unicorn disco'
}, {
title: 'TV',
subtitle: 'Video killed the radio star'
// **********************************
// Mode Selected
// **********************************
mode_menu.on('select', function(e) {
// Select mode
console.log('Selected mode #' + e.itemIndex + ' of section #' + e.sectionIndex);
// Brightness selection
var brightness_menu;
if (e.itemIndex === 1) {
var brightness_items = [];
for (var i = 0; i<=10; i++) {
var brightness_item = {
title: (i*10) + " %",
brightness_menu = new UI.Menu({
sections: [{
items: brightness_items
// **********************************
// Brightness Selected
// **********************************
brightness_menu.on('select', function(e) {
// Select mode
console.log('Selected mode #' + e.itemIndex + ' of section #' + e.sectionIndex);
// Color selection
var color_menu;
if (e.itemIndex === 2) {
var color_items = [];
for (var k = 0; k < colors.length; k++) {
var color_item = {
title: colors[k][0]
color_menu = new UI.Menu({
sections: [{
items: color_items
// **********************************
// Brightness Selected
// **********************************
color_menu.on('select', function(e) {
// Select mode
console.log('Selected mode #' + e.itemIndex + ' of section #' + e.sectionIndex);
// Delay selection
var delay_menu;
if (e.itemIndex === 3) {
var delay_items = [];
for (var j = 0; j<=15; j++) {
var delay_item = {
title: Math.round(j*10) + " ms",
delay_menu = new UI.Menu({
sections: [{
items: delay_items
// **********************************
// Brightness Selected
// **********************************
delay_menu.on('select', function(e) {
// Select mode
console.log('Selected mode #' + e.itemIndex + ' of section #' + e.sectionIndex);
// **********************************
// Requests
// **********************************
function setMode(mode) {
if (mode === 0) {
if (mode === 1) {
if (mode === 2) {
if (mode === 3) {
if (mode === 4) {
if (mode === 5) {
if (mode === 6) {
if (mode === 7) {
function setBrightness(index) {
var value = Math.round(index * 25.5);
function setColor(index) {
var value = colors[index][1];
function setDelay(index) {
var value = Math.round(index * 10);
function performRequest(message) {
main.on('click', 'up', function(e) {
// Restart websocket connection
main.on('click', 'down', function(e) {
// Update status
// **********************************
// Settings
// **********************************
// Set a configurable with just the close callback
{ url: '' },
function(e) {
console.log('closed configurable');
// Show the parsed response
// Show the raw response if parsing failed
if (e.failed) {