#NoEnv #SingleInstance force ; only lets one run SetBatchLines, -1 socket := new Example("ws://") ; replace with the ip address of the mclighting controller incrementAmount := 10 ; how finely you adjust the color, speed, and brightness per keypress maxColor := 255 maxMode := 56 ; the maximum mode id number red := 127 green := 127 blue := 127 brightness := 127 speed := 127 mode := 1 ^#Numpad4:: ; switch modes down mode := mode - 1 if(mode < 0) mode := maxMode cmd = /%mode% ; / is the set effect mode command TrayTip, , Mode: %mode% socket.Send(cmd) ; MsgBox %cmd% return ^#Numpad6:: ; switch modes up mode := mode + 1 if(mode > maxMode) mode := 0 TrayTip, , Mode: %mode% cmd = /%mode% socket.Send(cmd) ; MsgBox %cmd% return ^#Numpad5:: ; turn off TrayTip, , Leds are off socket.Send("=off") ; = is the set control command return ^#Numpad0:: ; turn on to static color TrayTip, , Leds are on cmd := "*"+toHexColor(red,green,blue) ; * is the set all command socket.Send(cmd) ; = is the set control command return ^#NumpadSub:: ; decreases brightness brightness := brightness - incrementAmount if(brightness < 0) brightness := 0 cmd = `%%brightness% ; % is the set brightness mode command. ` is the escape character TrayTip, , Brightness: %brightness% socket.Send(cmd) ; MsgBox %cmd% return ^#NumpadAdd:: ; increases brightness brightness := brightness + incrementAmount if(brightness > maxColor) brightness := maxColor cmd = `%%brightness% ; % is the set brightness mode command TrayTip, , Brightness: %brightness% socket.Send(cmd) ; MsgBox %cmd% return ^#NumpadDiv:: ; decreases speed speed := speed - incrementAmount if(speed < 0) speed := 0 cmd = ?%speed% ; ? is the set brightness mode command TrayTip, , Speed: %speed% socket.Send(cmd) ; MsgBox %cmd% return ^#NumpadMult:: ; increases speed speed := speed + incrementAmount if(speed > maxColor) speed := maxColor cmd = ?%speed% ; ? is the set brightness mode command TrayTip, , Speed: %speed% socket.Send(cmd) ; MsgBox %cmd% return ^#Numpad7:: ; increase red amount red := red + incrementAmount if(red > maxColor) red := maxColor cmd := "#"+toHexColor(red,green,blue) ; # is the set main color command ; MsgBox %cmd% TrayTip, , Red: %red% socket.Send(cmd) return ^#Numpad1:: ; decrease red amount red := red - incrementAmount if(red < 0) red := 0 cmd := "#"+toHexColor(red,green,blue) ; # is the set main color command ; MsgBox %cmd% TrayTip, , Red: %red% socket.Send(cmd) return ^#Numpad8:: ; increase green amount green := green + incrementAmount if(green > maxColor) green := maxColor cmd := "#"+toHexColor(red,green,blue) ; # is the set main color command ; MsgBox %cmd% TrayTip, , Green: %green% socket.Send(cmd) return ^#Numpad2:: ; decrease green amount green := green - incrementAmount if(green < 0) green := 0 cmd := "#"+toHexColor(red,green,blue) ; # is the set main color command ; MsgBox %cmd% TrayTip, , Green: %green% socket.Send(cmd) return ^#Numpad9:: ; increase blue amount blue := blue + incrementAmount if(blue > maxColor) blue := maxColor cmd := "#"+toHexColor(red,green,blue) ; # is the set main color command ; MsgBox %cmd% TrayTip, , Blue: %blue% socket.Send(cmd) return ^#Numpad3:: ; decrease blue amount blue := blue - incrementAmount if(blue < 0) blue := 0 cmd := "#"+toHexColor(red,green,blue) ; # is the set main color command ; MsgBox %cmd% TrayTip, , Blue: %blue% socket.Send(cmd) return toHexColor(r, g, b) { SetFormat, IntegerFast, hex ; To print values as hexadecimal colorNum := r*65536 + g*256 + b color = 000000%colorNum% ; convert to string and add preceeding zeros color := StrReplace(color, "0x") ; replace the 0x from the middle color := SubStr( color, -5 ) ; get last 6 characters SetFormat, IntegerFast, dec ; sets the print mode back to decimal return ""+color ; } class Example extends WebSocket { OnOpen(Event) { TrayTip, ,Connection established to led controller! ; InputBox, Data, WebSocket, Enter some text to send through the websocket. ; this.Send(Data) } OnMessage(Event) { ; MsgBox, % "Received Data: " Event.data ; this.Close() } OnClose(Event) { TrayTip, , Websocket Closed this.Disconnect() } OnError(Event) { TrayTip, , Websocket Error } __Delete() { TrayTip, , Exiting ExitApp } } class WebSocket { __New(WS_URL) { static wb ; Create an IE instance Gui, +hWndhOld Gui, New, +hWndhWnd this.hWnd := hWnd Gui, Add, ActiveX, vWB, Shell.Explorer Gui, %hOld%: Default ; Write an appropriate document WB.Navigate("about:") while (WB.ReadyState < 4) sleep, 50 this.document := WB.document ; Add our handlers to the JavaScript namespace this.document.parentWindow.ahk_savews := this._SaveWS.Bind(this) this.document.parentWindow.ahk_event := this._Event.Bind(this) this.document.parentWindow.ahk_ws_url := WS_URL ; Add some JavaScript to the page to open a socket Script := this.document.createElement("script") Script.text := "ws = new WebSocket(ahk_ws_url);`n" . "ws.onopen = function(event){ ahk_event('Open', event); };`n" . "ws.onclose = function(event){ ahk_event('Close', event); };`n" . "ws.onerror = function(event){ ahk_event('Error', event); };`n" . "ws.onmessage = function(event){ ahk_event('Message', event); };" this.document.body.appendChild(Script) } ; Called by the JS in response to WS events _Event(EventName, Event) { this["On" EventName](Event) } ; Sends data through the WebSocket Send(Data) { ; MsgBox %Data% this.document.parentWindow.ws.send(Data) } ; Closes the WebSocket connection Close(Code:=1000, Reason:="") { this.document.parentWindow.ws.close(Code, Reason) } ; Closes and deletes the WebSocket, removing ; references so the class can be garbage collected Disconnect() { if this.hWnd { this.Close() Gui, % this.hWnd ": Destroy" this.hWnd := False } } }