* Added support for NeoAnimationFX (USE_NEOANIMATIONFX) * Better scaling for speed
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138 lines
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//#define USE_NEOANIMATIONFX // Uses NeoAnimationFX, PIN is ignored & set to RX/GPIO3
#define USE_WS2812FX // Uses WS2812FX
// Neopixel
#define PIN 14 // PIN (14 / D5) where neopixel / WS2811 strip is attached
#define NUMLEDS 300 // Number of leds in the strip
#define BUILTIN_LED 2 // ESP-12F has the built in LED on GPIO2, see https://github.com/esp8266/Arduino/issues/2192
#define BUTTON 0 // Input pin (4 / D2) for switching the LED strip on / off, connect this PIN to ground to trigger button.
const char HOSTNAME[] = "McLighting01"; // Friedly hostname
#define HTTP_OTA // If defined, enable ESP8266HTTPUpdateServer OTA code.
//#define ENABLE_OTA // If defined, enable Arduino OTA code.
#define ENABLE_AMQTT // If defined, enable Async MQTT code, see: https://github.com/marvinroger/async-mqtt-client
//#define ENABLE_MQTT // If defined, enable MQTT client code, see: https://github.com/toblum/McLighting/wiki/MQTT-API
#define ENABLE_HOMEASSISTANT // If defined, enable Homeassistant integration, ENABLE_MQTT must be active
#define ENABLE_BUTTON // If defined, enable button handling code, see: https://github.com/toblum/McLighting/wiki/Button-control
#if defined(USE_NEOANIMATIONFX) and defined(USE_WS2812FX)
#error "Cant have both NeoAnimationFX and WS2812FX enabled. Choose either one."
#if !defined(USE_NEOANIMATIONFX) and !defined(USE_WS2812FX)
#error "Need to either use NeoAnimationFX and WS2812FX mode."
#if defined(ENABLE_MQTT) and defined(ENABLE_AMQTT)
#error "Cant have both PubSubClient and AsyncMQTT enabled. Choose either one."
#if ( (defined(ENABLE_HOMEASSISTANT) and !defined(ENABLE_MQTT)) and (defined(ENABLE_HOMEASSISTANT) and !defined(ENABLE_AMQTT)) )
#error "To use HA, you have to either enable PubCubClient or AsyncMQTT"
// parameters for automatically cycling favorite patterns
uint32_t autoParams[][4] = { // color, speed, mode, duration (seconds)
{0xff0000, 200, 1, 5.0}, // blink red for 5 seconds
{0x00ff00, 200, 3, 10.0}, // wipe green for 10 seconds
{0x0000ff, 200, 11, 5.0}, // dual scan blue for 5 seconds
{0x0000ff, 200, 42, 15.0} // fireworks for 15 seconds
#if defined(ENABLE_MQTT) or defined(ENABLE_AMQTT)
int mqtt_reconnect_retries = 0;
char mqtt_intopic[strlen(HOSTNAME) + 4 + 5]; // Topic in will be: <HOSTNAME>/in
char mqtt_outtopic[strlen(HOSTNAME) + 5 + 5]; // Topic out will be: <HOSTNAME>/out
uint8_t qossub = 0; // PubSubClient can sub qos 0 or 1
String mqtt_intopic = String(HOSTNAME) + "/in";
String mqtt_outtopic = String(HOSTNAME) + "/out";
uint8_t qossub = 0; // AMQTT can sub qos 0 or 1 or 2
uint8_t qospub = 0; // AMQTT can pub qos 0 or 1 or 2
String mqtt_ha = "home/" + String(HOSTNAME) + "_ha/";
String mqtt_ha_state_in = mqtt_ha + "state/in";
String mqtt_ha_state_out = mqtt_ha + "state/out";
String mqtt_ha_speed = mqtt_ha + "speed";
const char* on_cmd = "ON";
const char* off_cmd = "OFF";
bool stateOn = false;
bool animation_on = false;
bool new_ha_mqtt_msg = false;
uint16_t color_temp = 327; // min is 154 and max is 500
const char mqtt_clientid[] = "NeoPixelStrip01"; // MQTT ClientID
char mqtt_host[64] = "";
char mqtt_port[6] = "";
char mqtt_user[32] = "";
char mqtt_pass[32] = "";
// ***************************************************************************
// Global variables / definitions
// ***************************************************************************
#define DBG_OUTPUT_PORT Serial // Set debug output port
// List of all color modes
MODE mode = RAINBOW; // Standard mode that is active when software starts
int ws2812fx_speed = 196; // Global variable for storing the delay between color changes --> smaller == faster
int brightness = 196; // Global variable for storing the brightness (255 == 100%)
int ws2812fx_mode = 0; // Helper variable to set WS2812FX modes
bool exit_func = false; // Global helper variable to get out of the color modes when mode changes
bool shouldSaveConfig = false; // For WiFiManger custom config
struct ledstate // Data structure to store a state of a single led
uint8_t red;
uint8_t green;
uint8_t blue;
typedef struct ledstate LEDState; // Define the datatype LEDState
LEDState ledstates[NUMLEDS]; // Get an array of led states to store the state of the whole strip
LEDState main_color = { 255, 0, 0 }; // Store the "main color" of the strip used in single color modes
#define ENABLE_STATE_SAVE_SPIFFS // If defined, saves state on SPIFFS
//#define ENABLE_STATE_SAVE_EEPROM // If defined, save state on reboot
char current_state[32]; // Keeps the current state representation
char last_state[32]; // Save the last state as string representation
unsigned long time_statechange = 0; // Time when the state last changed
int timeout_statechange_save = 5000; // Timeout in ms to wait before state is saved
bool state_save_requested = false; // State has to be saved after timeout
bool updateStateFS = false;
// Button handling
#define BTN_MODE_SHORT "STA| 1| 0|245|196|255|255|255" // Static white
#define BTN_MODE_MEDIUM "STA| 1| 48|245|196|255|102| 0" // Fire flicker
#define BTN_MODE_LONG "STA| 1| 46|253|196|255|102| 0" // Fireworks random
unsigned long keyPrevMillis = 0;
const unsigned long keySampleIntervalMs = 25;
byte longKeyPressCountMax = 80; // 80 * 25 = 2000 ms
byte mediumKeyPressCountMin = 20; // 20 * 25 = 500 ms
byte KeyPressCount = 0;
byte prevKeyState = HIGH; // button is active low
boolean buttonState = false;