679 lines
23 KiB
679 lines
23 KiB
* SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2023 Espressif Systems (Shanghai) CO LTD
* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
#include <string.h>
#include "esp_log.h"
#include "esp_err.h"
#include "esp_check.h"
#include "esp_vfs_fat.h"
#include "diskio_impl.h"
#include "esp_partition.h"
#include "vfs_fat_internal.h"
#include "tinyusb.h"
#include "class/msc/msc_device.h"
#include "tusb_msc_storage.h"
#include "esp_vfs_fat.h"
static const char *TAG = "tinyusb_msc_psram";
typedef struct {
bool is_fat_mounted;
const char *base_path;
union {
uint8_t* memory;
esp_err_t (*mount)(BYTE pdrv);
esp_err_t (*unmount)(void);
uint32_t (*sector_count)(void);
uint32_t (*sector_size)(void);
esp_err_t (*read)(size_t sector_size, uint32_t lba, uint32_t offset, size_t size, void *dest);
esp_err_t (*write)(size_t sector_size, size_t addr, uint32_t lba, uint32_t offset, size_t size, const void *src);
tusb_msc_callback_t callback_mount_changed;
tusb_msc_callback_t callback_premount_changed;
int max_files;
} tinyusb_msc_psram_handle_s; /*!< MSC object */
/* handle of tinyusb driver connected to application */
static tinyusb_msc_psram_handle_s *s_storage_handle;
static DSTATUS _diskio_psram_init (unsigned char pdrv) {
/*!< disk initialization function */
return _diskio_psram_status(pdrv);
static DSTATUS _diskio_psram_status (unsigned char pdrv) {
/*!< disk status check function */
if(s_storage_handle && s_storage_handle->memory) {
return 0;
return STA_NOINIT;
static DRESULT _diskio_psram_read (unsigned char pdrv, unsigned char* buff, uint32_t sector, unsigned count) {
/*!< sector read function */
static DRESULT _diskio_psram_write (unsigned char pdrv, const unsigned char* buff, uint32_t sector, unsigned count) {
/*!< sector write function */
static DRESULT _diskio_psram_ioctl (unsigned char pdrv, unsigned char cmd, void* buff) {
/*!< function to get info about disk and do some misc operations */
// } ff_diskio_impl_t;
static esp_err_t _mount_spiflash(BYTE pdrv)
return ff_diskio_register(pdrv, s_storage_handle->wl_handle);
static esp_err_t _unmount_spiflash(void)
BYTE pdrv;
pdrv = ff_diskio_get_pdrv_wl(s_storage_handle->wl_handle);
if (pdrv == 0xff) {
ESP_LOGE(TAG, "Invalid state");
char drv[3] = {(char)('0' + pdrv), ':', 0};
f_mount(0, drv, 0);
return ESP_OK;
// static uint32_t _get_sector_count_spiflash(void)
// {
// uint32_t result = 0;
// assert(s_storage_handle->wl_handle != WL_INVALID_HANDLE);
// size_t size = wl_sector_size(s_storage_handle->wl_handle);
// if (size == 0) {
// ESP_LOGW(TAG, "WL Sector size is zero !!!");
// result = 0;
// } else {
// result = (uint32_t)(wl_size(s_storage_handle->wl_handle) / size);
// }
// return result;
// }
// static uint32_t _get_sector_size_spiflash(void)
// {
// assert(s_storage_handle->wl_handle != WL_INVALID_HANDLE);
// return (uint32_t)wl_sector_size(s_storage_handle->wl_handle);
// }
// static esp_err_t _read_sector_spiflash(size_t sector_size,
// uint32_t lba,
// uint32_t offset,
// size_t size,
// void *dest)
// {
// size_t temp = 0;
// size_t addr = 0; // Address of the data to be read, relative to the beginning of the partition.
// ESP_RETURN_ON_FALSE(!__builtin_umul_overflow(lba, sector_size, &temp), ESP_ERR_INVALID_SIZE, TAG, "overflow lba %lu sector_size %u", lba, sector_size);
// ESP_RETURN_ON_FALSE(!__builtin_uadd_overflow(temp, offset, &addr), ESP_ERR_INVALID_SIZE, TAG, "overflow addr %u offset %lu", temp, offset);
// return wl_read(s_storage_handle->wl_handle, addr, dest, size);
// }
// static esp_err_t _write_sector_spiflash(size_t sector_size,
// size_t addr,
// uint32_t lba,
// uint32_t offset,
// size_t size,
// const void *src)
// {
// ESP_RETURN_ON_ERROR(wl_erase_range(s_storage_handle->wl_handle, addr, size),
// TAG, "Failed to erase");
// return wl_write(s_storage_handle->wl_handle, addr, src, size);
// }
// static esp_err_t _mount_sdmmc(BYTE pdrv)
// {
// ff_diskio_register_sdmmc(pdrv, s_storage_handle->card);
// ff_sdmmc_set_disk_status_check(pdrv, false);
// return ESP_OK;
// }
// static esp_err_t _unmount_sdmmc(void)
// {
// BYTE pdrv;
// pdrv = ff_diskio_get_pdrv_card(s_storage_handle->card);
// if (pdrv == 0xff) {
// ESP_LOGE(TAG, "Invalid state");
// }
// char drv[3] = {(char)('0' + pdrv), ':', 0};
// f_mount(0, drv, 0);
// ff_diskio_unregister(pdrv);
// return ESP_OK;
// }
// static uint32_t _get_sector_count_sdmmc(void)
// {
// assert(s_storage_handle->card);
// return (uint32_t)s_storage_handle->card->csd.capacity;
// }
// static uint32_t _get_sector_size_sdmmc(void)
// {
// assert(s_storage_handle->card);
// return (uint32_t)s_storage_handle->card->csd.sector_size;
// }
// static esp_err_t _read_sector_sdmmc(size_t sector_size,
// uint32_t lba,
// uint32_t offset,
// size_t size,
// void *dest)
// {
// return sdmmc_read_sectors(s_storage_handle->card, dest, lba, size / sector_size);
// }
// static esp_err_t _write_sector_sdmmc(size_t sector_size,
// size_t addr,
// uint32_t lba,
// uint32_t offset,
// size_t size,
// const void *src)
// {
// return sdmmc_write_sectors(s_storage_handle->card, src, lba, size / sector_size);
// }
// #endif
// static esp_err_t msc_storage_read_sector(uint32_t lba,
// uint32_t offset,
// size_t size,
// void *dest)
// {
// assert(s_storage_handle);
// size_t sector_size = tinyusb_msc_storage_get_sector_size();
// return (s_storage_handle->read)(sector_size, lba, offset, size, dest);
// }
// static esp_err_t msc_storage_write_sector(uint32_t lba,
// uint32_t offset,
// size_t size,
// const void *src)
// {
// assert(s_storage_handle);
// if (s_storage_handle->is_fat_mounted) {
// ESP_LOGE(TAG, "can't write, FAT mounted");
// }
// size_t sector_size = tinyusb_msc_storage_get_sector_size();
// size_t temp = 0;
// size_t addr = 0; // Address of the data to be read, relative to the beginning of the partition.
// ESP_RETURN_ON_FALSE(!__builtin_umul_overflow(lba, sector_size, &temp), ESP_ERR_INVALID_SIZE, TAG, "overflow lba %lu sector_size %u", lba, sector_size);
// ESP_RETURN_ON_FALSE(!__builtin_uadd_overflow(temp, offset, &addr), ESP_ERR_INVALID_SIZE, TAG, "overflow addr %u offset %lu", temp, offset);
// if (addr % sector_size != 0 || size % sector_size != 0) {
// ESP_LOGE(TAG, "Invalid Argument lba(%lu) offset(%lu) size(%u) sector_size(%u)", lba, offset, size, sector_size);
// }
// return (s_storage_handle->write)(sector_size, addr, lba, offset, size, src);
// }
// static esp_err_t _mount(char *drv, FATFS *fs)
// {
// void *workbuf = NULL;
// const size_t workbuf_size = 4096;
// esp_err_t ret;
// // Try to mount partition
// FRESULT fresult = f_mount(fs, drv, 1);
// if (fresult != FR_OK) {
// ESP_LOGW(TAG, "f_mount failed (%d)", fresult);
// if (!((fresult == FR_NO_FILESYSTEM || fresult == FR_INT_ERR))) {
// ret = ESP_FAIL;
// goto fail;
// }
// workbuf = ff_memalloc(workbuf_size);
// if (workbuf == NULL) {
// ret = ESP_ERR_NO_MEM;
// goto fail;
// }
// size_t alloc_unit_size = esp_vfs_fat_get_allocation_unit_size(
// 4096);
// ESP_LOGW(TAG, "formatting card, allocation unit size=%d", alloc_unit_size);
// const MKFS_PARM opt = {(BYTE)FM_FAT, 0, 0, 0, alloc_unit_size};
// fresult = f_mkfs("", &opt, workbuf, workbuf_size); // Use default volume
// if (fresult != FR_OK) {
// ret = ESP_FAIL;
// ESP_LOGE(TAG, "f_mkfs failed (%d)", fresult);
// goto fail;
// }
// free(workbuf);
// workbuf = NULL;
// fresult = f_mount(fs, drv, 0);
// if (fresult != FR_OK) {
// ret = ESP_FAIL;
// ESP_LOGE(TAG, "f_mount failed after formatting (%d)", fresult);
// goto fail;
// }
// }
// return ESP_OK;
// fail:
// if (workbuf) {
// free(workbuf);
// }
// return ret;
// }
// esp_err_t tinyusb_msc_storage_mount(const char *base_path)
// {
// esp_err_t ret = ESP_OK;
// assert(s_storage_handle);
// if (s_storage_handle->is_fat_mounted) {
// return ESP_OK;
// }
// tusb_msc_callback_t cb = s_storage_handle->callback_premount_changed;
// if (cb) {
// tinyusb_msc_event_t event = {
// .mount_changed_data = {
// .is_mounted = s_storage_handle->is_fat_mounted
// }
// };
// cb(&event);
// }
// if (!base_path) {
// }
// // connect driver to FATFS
// BYTE pdrv = 0xFF;
// ESP_RETURN_ON_ERROR(ff_diskio_get_drive(&pdrv), TAG,
// "The maximum count of volumes is already mounted");
// char drv[3] = {(char)('0' + pdrv), ':', 0};
// ESP_GOTO_ON_ERROR((s_storage_handle->mount)(pdrv), fail, TAG, "Failed pdrv=%d", pdrv);
// FATFS *fs = NULL;
// ret = esp_vfs_fat_register(base_path, drv, s_storage_handle->max_files, &fs);
// if (ret == ESP_ERR_INVALID_STATE) {
// ESP_LOGD(TAG, "it's okay, already registered with VFS");
// } else if (ret != ESP_OK) {
// ESP_LOGE(TAG, "esp_vfs_fat_register failed (0x%x)", ret);
// goto fail;
// }
// ESP_GOTO_ON_ERROR(_mount(drv, fs), fail, TAG, "Failed _mount");
// s_storage_handle->is_fat_mounted = true;
// s_storage_handle->base_path = base_path;
// cb = s_storage_handle->callback_mount_changed;
// if (cb) {
// tinyusb_msc_event_t event = {
// .mount_changed_data = {
// .is_mounted = s_storage_handle->is_fat_mounted
// }
// };
// cb(&event);
// }
// return ret;
// fail:
// if (fs) {
// esp_vfs_fat_unregister_path(base_path);
// }
// ff_diskio_unregister(pdrv);
// s_storage_handle->is_fat_mounted = false;
// ESP_LOGW(TAG, "Failed to mount storage (0x%x)", ret);
// return ret;
// }
// esp_err_t tinyusb_msc_storage_unmount(void)
// {
// if (!s_storage_handle) {
// return ESP_FAIL;
// }
// if (!s_storage_handle->is_fat_mounted) {
// return ESP_OK;
// }
// tusb_msc_callback_t cb = s_storage_handle->callback_premount_changed;
// if (cb) {
// tinyusb_msc_event_t event = {
// .mount_changed_data = {
// .is_mounted = s_storage_handle->is_fat_mounted
// }
// };
// cb(&event);
// }
// esp_err_t err = (s_storage_handle->unmount)();
// if (err) {
// return err;
// }
// err = esp_vfs_fat_unregister_path(s_storage_handle->base_path);
// s_storage_handle->base_path = NULL;
// s_storage_handle->is_fat_mounted = false;
// cb = s_storage_handle->callback_mount_changed;
// if (cb) {
// tinyusb_msc_event_t event = {
// .mount_changed_data = {
// .is_mounted = s_storage_handle->is_fat_mounted
// }
// };
// cb(&event);
// }
// return err;
// }
// uint32_t tinyusb_msc_storage_get_sector_count(void)
// {
// assert(s_storage_handle);
// return (s_storage_handle->sector_count)();
// }
// uint32_t tinyusb_msc_storage_get_sector_size(void)
// {
// assert(s_storage_handle);
// return (s_storage_handle->sector_size)();
// }
// esp_err_t tinyusb_msc_storage_init_spiflash(const tinyusb_msc_spiflash_config_t *config)
// {
// assert(!s_storage_handle);
// s_storage_handle = (tinyusb_msc_psram_handle_s *)malloc(sizeof(tinyusb_msc_psram_handle_s));
// ESP_RETURN_ON_FALSE(s_storage_handle, ESP_ERR_NO_MEM, TAG, "could not allocate new handle for storage");
// s_storage_handle->mount = &_mount_spiflash;
// s_storage_handle->unmount = &_unmount_spiflash;
// s_storage_handle->sector_count = &_get_sector_count_spiflash;
// s_storage_handle->sector_size = &_get_sector_size_spiflash;
// s_storage_handle->read = &_read_sector_spiflash;
// s_storage_handle->write = &_write_sector_spiflash;
// s_storage_handle->is_fat_mounted = false;
// s_storage_handle->base_path = NULL;
// s_storage_handle->wl_handle = config->wl_handle;
// // In case the user does not set mount_config.max_files
// // and for backward compatibility with versions <1.4.2
// // max_files is set to 2
// const int max_files = config->mount_config.max_files;
// s_storage_handle->max_files = max_files > 0 ? max_files : 2;
// /* Callbacks setting up*/
// if (config->callback_mount_changed) {
// tinyusb_msc_register_callback(TINYUSB_MSC_EVENT_MOUNT_CHANGED, config->callback_mount_changed);
// } else {
// tinyusb_msc_unregister_callback(TINYUSB_MSC_EVENT_MOUNT_CHANGED);
// }
// if (config->callback_premount_changed) {
// tinyusb_msc_register_callback(TINYUSB_MSC_EVENT_PREMOUNT_CHANGED, config->callback_premount_changed);
// } else {
// tinyusb_msc_unregister_callback(TINYUSB_MSC_EVENT_PREMOUNT_CHANGED);
// }
// return ESP_OK;
// }
// esp_err_t tinyusb_msc_storage_init_sdmmc(const tinyusb_msc_sdmmc_config_t *config)
// {
// assert(!s_storage_handle);
// s_storage_handle = (tinyusb_msc_psram_handle_s *)malloc(sizeof(tinyusb_msc_psram_handle_s));
// ESP_RETURN_ON_FALSE(s_storage_handle, ESP_ERR_NO_MEM, TAG, "could not allocate new handle for storage");
// s_storage_handle->mount = &_mount_sdmmc;
// s_storage_handle->unmount = &_unmount_sdmmc;
// s_storage_handle->sector_count = &_get_sector_count_sdmmc;
// s_storage_handle->sector_size = &_get_sector_size_sdmmc;
// s_storage_handle->read = &_read_sector_sdmmc;
// s_storage_handle->write = &_write_sector_sdmmc;
// s_storage_handle->is_fat_mounted = false;
// s_storage_handle->base_path = NULL;
// s_storage_handle->card = config->card;
// // In case the user does not set mount_config.max_files
// // and for backward compatibility with versions <1.4.2
// // max_files is set to 2
// const int max_files = config->mount_config.max_files;
// s_storage_handle->max_files = max_files > 0 ? max_files : 2;
// /* Callbacks setting up*/
// if (config->callback_mount_changed) {
// tinyusb_msc_register_callback(TINYUSB_MSC_EVENT_MOUNT_CHANGED, config->callback_mount_changed);
// } else {
// tinyusb_msc_unregister_callback(TINYUSB_MSC_EVENT_MOUNT_CHANGED);
// }
// if (config->callback_premount_changed) {
// tinyusb_msc_register_callback(TINYUSB_MSC_EVENT_PREMOUNT_CHANGED, config->callback_premount_changed);
// } else {
// tinyusb_msc_unregister_callback(TINYUSB_MSC_EVENT_PREMOUNT_CHANGED);
// }
// return ESP_OK;
// }
// #endif
// void tinyusb_msc_storage_deinit(void)
// {
// assert(s_storage_handle);
// free(s_storage_handle);
// s_storage_handle = NULL;
// }
// esp_err_t tinyusb_msc_register_callback(tinyusb_msc_event_type_t event_type,
// tusb_msc_callback_t callback)
// {
// assert(s_storage_handle);
// switch (event_type) {
// s_storage_handle->callback_mount_changed = callback;
// return ESP_OK;
// s_storage_handle->callback_premount_changed = callback;
// return ESP_OK;
// default:
// ESP_LOGE(TAG, "Wrong event type");
// }
// }
// esp_err_t tinyusb_msc_unregister_callback(tinyusb_msc_event_type_t event_type)
// {
// assert(s_storage_handle);
// switch (event_type) {
// s_storage_handle->callback_mount_changed = NULL;
// return ESP_OK;
// s_storage_handle->callback_premount_changed = NULL;
// return ESP_OK;
// default:
// ESP_LOGE(TAG, "Wrong event type");
// }
// }
// bool tinyusb_msc_storage_in_use_by_usb_host(void)
// {
// assert(s_storage_handle);
// return !s_storage_handle->is_fat_mounted;
// }
// /* TinyUSB MSC callbacks
// ********************************************************************* */
// /** SCSI ASC/ASCQ codes. **/
// /** User can add and use more codes as per the need of the application **/
// #define SCSI_CODE_ASCQ 0x00
// // Invoked when received SCSI_CMD_INQUIRY
// // Application fill vendor id, product id and revision with string up to 8, 16, 4 characters respectively
// void tud_msc_inquiry_cb(uint8_t lun, uint8_t vendor_id[8], uint8_t product_id[16], uint8_t product_rev[4])
// {
// (void) lun;
// const char vid[] = "TinyUSB";
// const char pid[] = "Flash Storage";
// const char rev[] = "0.1";
// memcpy(vendor_id, vid, strlen(vid));
// memcpy(product_id, pid, strlen(pid));
// memcpy(product_rev, rev, strlen(rev));
// }
// // Invoked when received Test Unit Ready command.
// // return true allowing host to read/write this LUN e.g SD card inserted
// bool tud_msc_test_unit_ready_cb(uint8_t lun)
// {
// (void) lun;
// bool result = false;
// if (s_storage_handle->is_fat_mounted) {
// result = false;
// } else {
// if (tinyusb_msc_storage_unmount() != ESP_OK) {
// ESP_LOGW(TAG, "tud_msc_test_unit_ready_cb() unmount Fails");
// }
// result = true;
// }
// return result;
// }
// // Invoked when received SCSI_CMD_READ_CAPACITY_10 and SCSI_CMD_READ_FORMAT_CAPACITY to determine the disk size
// // Application update block count and block size
// void tud_msc_capacity_cb(uint8_t lun, uint32_t *block_count, uint16_t *block_size)
// {
// (void) lun;
// uint32_t sec_count = tinyusb_msc_storage_get_sector_count();
// uint32_t sec_size = tinyusb_msc_storage_get_sector_size();
// *block_count = sec_count;
// *block_size = (uint16_t)sec_size;
// }
// // Invoked when received Start Stop Unit command
// // - Start = 0 : stopped power mode, if load_eject = 1 : unload disk storage
// // - Start = 1 : active mode, if load_eject = 1 : load disk storage
// bool tud_msc_start_stop_cb(uint8_t lun, uint8_t power_condition, bool start, bool load_eject)
// {
// (void) lun;
// (void) power_condition;
// if (load_eject && !start) {
// if (tinyusb_msc_storage_mount(s_storage_handle->base_path) != ESP_OK) {
// ESP_LOGW(TAG, "tud_msc_start_stop_cb() mount Fails");
// }
// }
// return true;
// }
// // Invoked when received SCSI READ10 command
// // - Address = lba * BLOCK_SIZE + offset
// // - Application fill the buffer (up to bufsize) with address contents and return number of read byte.
// int32_t tud_msc_read10_cb(uint8_t lun, uint32_t lba, uint32_t offset, void *buffer, uint32_t bufsize)
// {
// esp_err_t err = msc_storage_read_sector(lba, offset, bufsize, buffer);
// if (err != ESP_OK) {
// ESP_LOGE(TAG, "msc_storage_read_sector failed: 0x%x", err);
// return 0;
// }
// return bufsize;
// }
// // Invoked when received SCSI WRITE10 command
// // - Address = lba * BLOCK_SIZE + offset
// // - Application write data from buffer to address contents (up to bufsize) and return number of written byte.
// int32_t tud_msc_write10_cb(uint8_t lun, uint32_t lba, uint32_t offset, uint8_t *buffer, uint32_t bufsize)
// {
// esp_err_t err = msc_storage_write_sector(lba, offset, bufsize, buffer);
// if (err != ESP_OK) {
// ESP_LOGE(TAG, "msc_storage_write_sector failed: 0x%x", err);
// return 0;
// }
// return bufsize;
// }
// /**
// * Invoked when received an SCSI command not in built-in list below.
// * - READ10 and WRITE10 has their own callbacks
// *
// * \param[in] lun Logical unit number
// * \param[in] scsi_cmd SCSI command contents which application must examine to response accordingly
// * \param[out] buffer Buffer for SCSI Data Stage.
// * - For INPUT: application must fill this with response.
// * - For OUTPUT it holds the Data from host
// * \param[in] bufsize Buffer's length.
// *
// * \return Actual bytes processed, can be zero for no-data command.
// * \retval negative Indicate error e.g unsupported command, tinyusb will \b STALL the corresponding
// * endpoint and return failed status in command status wrapper phase.
// */
// int32_t tud_msc_scsi_cb(uint8_t lun, uint8_t const scsi_cmd[16], void *buffer, uint16_t bufsize)
// {
// int32_t ret;
// switch (scsi_cmd[0]) {
// /* SCSI_CMD_PREVENT_ALLOW_MEDIUM_REMOVAL is the Prevent/Allow Medium Removal
// command (1Eh) that requests the library to enable or disable user access to
// the storage media/partition. */
// ret = 0;
// break;
// default:
// ESP_LOGW(TAG, "tud_msc_scsi_cb() invoked: %d", scsi_cmd[0]);
// ret = -1;
// break;
// }
// return ret;
// }
// // Invoked when device is unmounted
// void tud_umount_cb(void)
// {
// if (tinyusb_msc_storage_mount(s_storage_handle->base_path) != ESP_OK) {
// ESP_LOGW(TAG, "tud_umount_cb() mount Fails");
// }
// }
// // Invoked when device is mounted (configured)
// void tud_mount_cb(void)
// {
// tinyusb_msc_storage_unmount();
// }
// /*********************************************************************** TinyUSB MSC callbacks*/