import paho.mqtt.subscribe as mqtt import json BROKER = ('homeproxy', 1883) TOPIC_PREFIX = 'scalefix' TOPIC_RAW = TOPIC_PREFIX+'/raw/weight' TOPIC_WEIGHT = TOPIC_PREFIX+'/weights' TOPIC_USERS = TOPIC_PREFIX+'/users' _users={} _SUFFIX_LAST='/last' def match_user(weight): found_user = 'Gast' last_dev = 20 for username, data in _users.items(): dev = abs(data['weight'] - weight) if dev < 5 and dev < last_dev: found_user = username return found_user def handle_weight(client, userdata, message): data = json.loads(message.payload) weight = data['weight'] username = match_user(weight) print(f'new value for user "{username}": {weight}') client.publish(f'{TOPIC_USERS}/{username}/weight', data) client.publish(f'{TOPIC_USERS}/{username}{_SUFFIX_LAST}', data, retain=True) ext_data = data.copy() ext_data['user'] = username client.publish(TOPIC_WEIGHTS, ext_data) def handle_user_last(client, userdata, message): global _users data = json.loads(message.payload) username = message.topic[len(TOPIC_USERS)+1:-len(_SUFFIX_LAST)] print(f'got last weight for user "{username}": {data}') _users[username] = data def dispatch(client, userdata, message): if message.topic == TOPIC_RAW: handle_weight(client, userdata, message) elif message.topic.startswith(TOPIC_USERS) and message.topic.endswith(_SUFFIX_LAST): handle_user_last(client, userdata, message) mqtt.callback(dispatch, [TOPIC_RAW, f'{TOPIC_USERS}/+{_SUFFIX_LAST}'], hostname=BROKER[0], port=BROKER[1])